Catégories Fixation des prix Corporatif


Lift off Agile Teams - Iterations
Fraud Prevention and Detection
Clean Communication
Expectation Management
Can I Give You Some Feedback?
How To Be a Supportive Team Member
Expert Talk: Internal Communication
Why Style Matters in Leadership
Expert Talk: Effortless Collaboration
Real Networking in Virtual Times
Micro Talk: Giving Feedback
Effective Stakeholder Management and Communication
The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback 1
Offsites the Key to Building Connection
Mastering Sales Conversations
The Storyteller’s Journey
The Art of Telling
In Focus: An Interview with 'The Evil HR Lady'
Seven Secrets of Engaging Emails
Sales Fails and How To Fix Them
How to Talk to Print Journalists
Expert Talk: How to Make your Meetings Amazing
Giving Feedback
Confident Communication Starts With You!
How to successfully start your own podcast! (5/6)
How to Make the Most of Virtual Networking Events
Virtual Recognition
Effective Negotiation
The Business of Writing Blogs
How To Communicate Like An Executive
Increase Your Conversions with Google My Business
Influencing Others Virtually
Using PR Techniques in Employee Communications
How to Successfully Facilitate Virtual Meetings
Prevent Zoombombing: 7 Tips to Save Your Meetings
Understanding how Millennial’s and Gen Z Work
Feedback as a Strategic Tool
Effective Conference Calls
Media Training and The Art Of Being Interviewed
The Gold Standard of Storytelling
Designing Presentations That Win
Rethinking Performance Reviews for Maximum Impact
Audiobook: How to Effectively Communicate
Understanding Virtual Body Language
How To Connect With Your Audience
Reputation Management
How to Build Rapport Quickly
Quantum Conflict Resolution
How to Penetrate A Sales Market in 90 Days
Success through Storytelling
Communication Skills for Emerging Leaders, Part 2
Dealing with Conflict – For Managers
How to Approach Difficult Conversations
Communicating with Character
How to increase the effectiveness of your training
Business Communication: Achieving Results
Empowering Leadership
Effective Communication Skills
How to Deal with your Manager
Business Email Etiquette
Communicating with Technology
Communicate with Impact
Cool It!
How to sell your value and your price
The Art of Communicating
Visual Notetaking
Unity & Working Together
How to Manage “Snowflakes”
Exploring the Power of ChatGPT
High-impact interpersonal skills
10 Tips for Powerful Presenting
Powerful Online Communication
The 60% Issue & Why Women Hold Themselves Back
How to Give Difficult Feedback
Audiobook: Dealing With Difficult People
Comment communiquer efficacement
Explorer le feedback et mieux manager au quotidien
Qu’est-ce que la vente ? La méthode des 3 « non »
Conférences téléphoniques efficaces
Comment rendre vos réunions plus productives
Qu’est-ce que l’écoute active ?
Comment dire c’est fini ?
Expert Talk: Managing Difficult Conversations
Getting Email Right
Making Body Language Your Greatest Ally
Mastering Public Speaking Challenges
Communications Magic
Nail Your Performance Review with Grit and Grace
Advanced Public Speaking
Personal Branding at Work
Memorable Messaging
Keep Moving: Maintaining Contact with Co-Workers
Feedback Competence for Leadership, Team Success
How to Really Listen
Prospecting and Gaining Referrals
Powerful Press Releases
Why and How to Launch an Internal Podcast
How to be an Ally?
Rethinking Teamwork in Hospitality
Dimensions of Cultural Differences
Communication Skills for Emerging Leaders, Part 3
Leadership and Communication in Times of Crisis
PASSTA: It's the New Take on SPIN Selling
Communication in the CSR Context
Agile Teams - Improvement Tools and Exercises
Strategies that Really Work
Journalistic Writing
Audiobook: Essential Communication Secrets!
Mastering Communication Skills
Introductions and Endings
Professional Development
Writing Skills and Sales Copywriting
How to successfully start your own podcast! (4/6)
How to Handle Difficult Conversations
Advanced Communication Skills
3 Common Communication Mistakes
Feedback Culture
Storytelling with Style
Growing in Communication
Quantum of Ethics
Five Top Business English Tips
Fundamentals of communication, P.R. and leadership
Risk and Crisis Communication
Working with Uncertainty
How to Effectively Communicate
10 Psychological Tricks to Public Speaking
Communication and Collaboration
Your ultimate guide to questioning & listening
Perspectives in Education
Small Talk Tennis
Successful Public Speaking
How to Communicate Like a Leader
Hidden Communication Skills Revealed!
Improving Your Communication Skills
Décider, ça se travaille !
Vers une communication authentique
Les relations publiques
Comment gérer les conflits professionnels
Communication authentique : Mise en application
Souffrez-vous de dissonance cognitive?
Réussir sa présentation et captiver son auditoire
Leadership et communication en temps de crise
La gestion efficace du feedback, Tome 1
Est-il possible de ne pas ne pas communiquer ?
Respect in the Workplace
How to Deal with the Media and Boost your PR
Introduction to Customer Journey Mapping
Nailing the Nerves
Success Planning and Organizing Vol 2
Communicating Effectively in the Hybrid Workplace
Customer Service Imperatives
Verbal Acuity: Communication Impact on Career
Keep Moving: Virtually Perfect
Why No One Reads Your Email
Email Communication in 2023
Launching a podcast
Active Listening and Influencing Virtually
The Rules Have Changed
Models for Personal Development: A K to Z Guide
How to Find the Right Networking Event
Establishment of Sound Internal Control Systems
Business Communications
Effective & Diplomatic Feedback Management, Vol. 1
Critical components of commercial communication
How to Succeed with Intercultural Communication
Offering Favourable Feedback
Effective Meeting Facilitation
Models for Personal Development: An A to J Guide
Strategic Corporate Communications
Making a Mark in the Media
How to Communicate in a Crisis
Public Speaking for Leaders
Strategies for Communicating with Employees
How to Get Featured in the Media
Successfully Communicate Expectations to Employees
Virtual Body Language
How Savvy Leaders Engage Staff Talent
Culture and Communication
Emotionally Charged Conversations
Learning from Cultural Incidents
Communicating With Empathy
The first 5 minutes of a sales call – what to do
Lift off Agile teams - Team Transformation Process
<div>PR and Crisis Communication<br></div>
Business English: Easier than You Think
12 Ideas for Giving Virtual Recognition
How to Handle Questions and Interjections
Essential Writing Skills for Business
How to Chair Virtual Meetings
How to Have Great One to Ones when Networking
How Networks Work
Tips for Recording Your Internal Podcast
What is Active Listening?
Encouraging Discussions for Better Decision Making
Influence and Impact
In Focus: The Inter-Cultural Training Partner
Expert Talk: Persuasive Communication
Inspirational Leadership
Removing the Competition
Effective & Diplomatic Feedback Management, Vol. 2
How to Influence & Bring Your Audience with You
Communication Skills for Emerging Leaders, Part 1
Keys to Effective Meeting Facilitation
Communication and Empathy
Priming and Promoting a Creative Approach
How to Talk Tech to a Non-Techie Audience
Collaboration I
The Business of Storytelling
Influencing and Persuasion skills
You Are Not Their Adversary
Getting Past Gatekeepers
Networking – A Professional Discipline
How to Make Gamification Work for You
Leading for an Engaged Culture
A Guide to Management ‘Speak’
Expert Talk: Apprivoisez vos émotions à l'oral
Révélez le communic’acteur qui est en vous!
Revitalisez vos équipes avec les Soft Skills
L’art oratoire est-il une mode ?
La gestion efficace du feedback, Tome 2
Petit abécédaire du communic’acteur
Les clés d'un feedback qui produit des résultats
Comment ruiner facilement la confiance
Presenting Confidence
Dealing with Difficult clients
How to successfully start your own podcast! (1/6)
Coaching for Performance
Managing your Meeting Mortals
How to be Interviewed on Radio
How to be Interviewed on TV
Strategic Communications
Is Trying to Fit in Worth the Effort
Remote Work
Concise Writing
Visual Communication
Writing to Impress, Influence and Inspire
How to Engage with the Media
How to Build Rapport
Upholding Respect and Trust – Setting Expectations
Expert Talk: It‘s the communication, stupid!
Data Visualization for Growth Conversations
How to Deliver Feedback Virtually
Virtual Communication
In Focus: How to Win Arguments
Listening Skills
Giving Positive and Negative Feedback: Techniques
Strong Working Relationships
Dealing with Conflict
Storytelling for Business
Giving Feedback
Effortless Email Networking
Initiative: The Biggest Win
The Networking Philosophy
Making the Most of Live Networking Events
Workplace Wellness: Relationships and Resilience
Create Your Networking Group for Fun and Profit
Flex your Leader Style as a Talent Coach
From Face-to-Face to Virtual Communication
How to successfully start your own podcast! (3/6)
Be More Needy
Expert Talk: How to Give a Great Speech
Digital Training @Work
Keep Moving: Giving Feedback Effectively
The Dark Arts of Media Manipulation
Voice Techniques for Commanding an Audience
Expert Talk: Story Telling with Social Media
How to Improve Your Pronounciation
Negotiation Skills
Micro Talk: Biggest Presentation Mistakes
How to Introduce Yourself in Two Sentences
Mastering the Art of Face to Face Customer Service
Creating a Positive Hybrid Work Culture
Giving Feedback Virtually
Basic Communication Skills
How to Motivate your Team
Public Relations for Tricky Situations
How to Influence Big Egos!
Leadership and Remote Working
Interpersonal Skills For Entrepreneurs
Using Social Media for Personal Gain
Internal Communication Management
There's no "I" in TEAM
Effective Communication to Calm Confrontations
What is Your Purpose?
How to hold constructive meetings
How to Ask for What You Want at Work
Holding Difficult Conversations
Leadership Communication
Excellence commerciale : L'écoute active
Gérer des projets en anglais des affaires
Comment accroitre son influence
L'art de communiquer comme un leader
Donner une présentation
Favoriser et développer l’intelligence collective
Le langage corporel
Communiquer de manière réfléchie et ciblée
(Re)penser « Être en relation »
Préparation aux exercices d’entretien
La stimulation de l’empathie
Comment vraiment écouter
Interpersonal Relationships & Communications
Crack the Code of Intercultural Communication
Leadership Preferences
Maximise your important business conversations
Vive la Difference
Virtual Presentations
Expert Talk: Body Language
Expert Talk: Communication with Monica Kade
Networking: The Golden Secret of Success
How to Present Like a Leader
7 Strategies to Improve Your Virtual Body Language
Accelerating your Business through Communication
In Focus: Do Your Communications Spark Engagement?
Managerial Communication Styles
How to successfully start your own podcast! (6/6)
Communication in the Workplace
The Changing Landscape of Public Relations
Aligning Your Business to Customer Journeys
Perfect Public Speaking and Presentations
Using AI to Improve Your Communication
How to Receive Difficult Feedback
How to Give & Receive Feedback
Negotations: For Purchasing Department
Communicating Change
Effective Presentations
Perfect Preparation for a Media Interview
Powerful Career Development Conversations
Empathy to Get Your Way and Change Culture
3 Communication Tips to Build Respect as a Leader
Tips for Managing Your Remote Team
Managerial Communication Today
The 3 Secrets of the Art of Storytelling
Setting and Communicating Expectations
How to Maintain Relationships
Setting and Communicating Expectations
How to Interrupt an Interrupter!
Dealing with Objections
Dealing with Conflict and Complaints
Knowing What to Ask For Effective Networking
Receiving Feedback Best Practices and Final Steps
Speaking with Authority
Effective Virtual Presentations
Make Great Introductions While Networking
Email Impact
You Are Their Advocate
Expert Talk: Challenges in Mediation
How to Build a Story
5 Productivity Hacks
How to Introduce Yourself When Networking
Empowering Women for Long-Lasting Success
International Business Dynamics
Choosing When to Give Feedback
Micro Talk: Dealing with “No”
Micro Stories and Presentations
Standout, Sway, Spur
In Focus: Persuasion is a Learnable Skill
In Focus: Making Connections While Presenting
Expert Talk: Embracing Failure - Communication
Impact Versus Intent
Giving Feedback Virtually
How to Have More Impact & Presence
After the Sales Call
Thoughtful Persuasion
Your Boss: Sorted!
Influencing with the 4 Elements
Why Feedback Matters
Understanding Social Media
How to Be a Better Listener to Get What You Want!
Best Practices in Managing Virtual Teams
Negotiation & Assertiveness
IT Best Practices: Using a Stream deck
Strategic Communications in the Digital Age
Conscious Body Language
Essential Communication Secrets!
Handling the Heat of a Media Interview
Business Communication Methods
Communication Skills
Saving Your Reputation in the Digital Age
Intercultural Fluency
Harcèlement moral : reconnaître et prévenir
La communication commerciale
Le bid management
Libérez votre créativité
Reconnaître les motivations d'un héros
Construire une équipe de choc dans différents pays
Psychologie de la confiance
Comment devenir un AS de la communication
Communiquer pour susciter la collaboration