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Tag: training

Employee engagement: 6 things for managers to think about

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teamwork skills

With employee engagement, a little thoughtfulness goes a long way. Here are 5 things to think about when it comes to engaging employees. 

How to improve soft skills in your workplace in Bangladesh

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soft skills training

Over the last few years, Bangladeshi businesses have begun to put more focus on soft skills training. With events and organisations centred around soft the importance of soft skills, Bangladesh is moving towards a soft skills focused workforce. Interpersonal skills, employability skills, leadership, and entrepreneurial development have become more important to organisations than ever before. The Learning and Development industry is growing and so is the need for information on soft skills training for leaders and managers.  Here are four ways to train your employees in soft skills. …

Why a third of UK workers did not learn new skills last year

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training and development

According to new research, British workers are being denied critical opportunities to up-skill for the future which meant that a third of workers did not learn any new workplace skills last year. …

5 ways CPR training can save lives

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CPR Training

Becoming certified in CPR is the best way to ensure that you are prepared to help in various kinds of emergencies. Here are some everyday instances in which being trained to perform CPR can save a life….

How to improve your memory today

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Many of us are poor listeners. When we do listen we tend to forget about 75% of what we hear within two months and between a third and a half of what we hear within 8 hours. …

Linkedin CEO says we need more training in soft skills

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Although we live with technology all around us, which would lead some to believe without the knowledge of programming or coding one may be left in the digital dust, it turns out that our inherent human skills are more valuable than ever….

Are your employees leaving due to a lack of training opportunities?

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New research suggests that the majority of UK employees (63%) would switch employers if only they got more training opportunities.* That is a staggering number. Combine this with the fact that the average UK employee has gone two years without training and over 10% more than four years, this is revealing a big problem in the job market….