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Category: Author Blog

How to effectively use eBooks in workplace training

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employee engagement

There are many advantages to using eBooks for training purposes, but these benefits could become amplified if you use them effectively. Here are a few simple ideas that will enable you to get the best results from eBooks in your workplace.  …

5 ways CPR training can save lives

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CPR Training

Becoming certified in CPR is the best way to ensure that you are prepared to help in various kinds of emergencies. Here are some everyday instances in which being trained to perform CPR can save a life….

5 ways to improve employee’s work-life balance

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work life balance

Work-life balance is at an all-time epidemic. Many employees are unable to find the time to ‘switch off’ and relax, much less complete their personal obligations outside of work. It is the manager’s job to delegate work and ensure employees are completing their jobs to deadline. However, it is also in the hands of a manager to ensure the people working for them have the opportunity to find some harmony between their work and personal lives….

The 4 zones of employee engagement 

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employee engagement

As managers, we like to think of our teams as being made up of highly-engaged, proactive and solution-focused employees. After all, that’s why we hired them. But as it turns out, most teams are often nowhere near as engaged as we perceive them to be….

The stages of learning

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the stages of learning

Learning a new skill is hard. It can be frustrating, overwhelming and cause many of us to want to – or actually – give up before we even begin. One thing many of us haven’t yet realised is that when we reach the point of wanting to quit, we are actually already two or three steps into the learning process. …

The 4 main benefits of coaching

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Coaching has become increasingly popular over the last few years with many people becoming interested in developing their skills to coach others. Enabling individuals to decide what they want to do, to be and to have, assisting them to set goals and developing the mindset and behaviours to reach these goals is very rewarding. …

6 reasons we procrastinate

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why we procrastinate

‘I’m definitely going to stop procrastinating. As soon as I get around to it.’

How many times have you begun your week full of good intentions, swearing you won’t let yourself be distracted and that you’ll get things done only to find that you’re spending time mindlessly scrolling Facebook, falling into a Youtube spiral, or worse, reading blogs about time management… 
How is that possible? You swear you just want to get your work done and yet you keep on getting distracted. Turns out, you’re pretty good at procrastinating. There are many reasons we procrastinate. Let’s look at 6: …

Three ways new tech is changing L&D

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Technological innovation never stands still, and the benefits that new ideas are bringing to the world of learning and development are increasing every day. Over the course of 2019, we can expect to see a range of exciting new tech aimed at improving efficiency across the sector. Innovation aimed at learning and development professionals ranges from new takes on digital learning, to HR tech which could be able to predict potential skills gaps before they happen. Take a look at three ways we could see tech transforming learning and development over the coming year.  …