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Change management: The process of change

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change management

No matter what the change, there will likely be some resistance from team members and it is a leader’s job to manage that change efficiently and effectively. Here are the 4 phases of the process of change management. …

Design thinking: 5 ways to use it in employee training

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design thinking

Design thinking is a solution-based approach to problem-solving. It requires that learners are placed at the center of all discussions. Here are 5 ways to use design thinking in employee training….

How to avoid disability discrimination in India

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disability discrimination

For a manager, avoiding discrimination in the workplace is important when it comes to ensuring employees feel safe and respected. Here are 5 examples of how to avoid and manage disability discrimination in the workplace.  …

Teambuilding: The 4 stages of teamwork

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No two teams are alike. Some team members work well together while others butt heads. Although team members vary massively, the journey a team takes to become a successful working unit can be broken down into 4 stages. …

Employee engagement: 5 ways to engage employees with your learning content

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employee engagement

Engaged employees are a benefit to themselves, their company and those in charge of learning within an organisation. However, engaging employees in training is far easier said than done. Here are 5 ways to get employees engaged in your learning content….

Why eBooks are a great addition to your learning strategy

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With all the learning solutions available for organisations today, it can be difficult for L&D professionals to wade through and find one that works for their organisation. However there is one training format that has both adapted with technology and stood the test of time: eBooks. Here are 4 reasons to implement eBooks into your learning strategy. …

How to improve soft skills in your workplace in Bangladesh

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soft skills training

Over the last few years, Bangladeshi businesses have begun to put more focus on soft skills training. With events and organisations centred around soft the importance of soft skills, Bangladesh is moving towards a soft skills focused workforce. Interpersonal skills, employability skills, leadership, and entrepreneurial development have become more important to organisations than ever before. The Learning and Development industry is growing and so is the need for information on soft skills training for leaders and managers.  Here are four ways to train your employees in soft skills. …

Teamwork skills: 4 myths about teamwork

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teamwork skills

Building and leading a successful team is akin to taking a journey. Members of the team should experience it together but the teamwork journey is tricky for leaders to map. Especially as there is a lot of misinformation surrounding what teamwork looks like (Take “There is no ‘I’ in TEAM for example). Let’s look at four common teamwork myths and try to debunk them….