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Tag: Soft Skills

Soft skills: The top 4 soft skills to put on your CV

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soft skills cv

So, you’re looking for a job? No matter the position you’re applying for, your CV will likely be your potential future employer’s first impression of who you are and what you will bring to the position. Check out the top 4 soft skills to help you land the job. …

Creative thinking: 3 exercises for creativity at work

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Creative thinking

Getting creative juices flowing can be difficult, especially today’s busy workplace. Many creatives experience gaps in inspiration but there are plenty of solutions to strengthen your creative thinking. Let’s look at three of them. …

Thinking skills: EQ vs. IQ in the workplace in India

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emotional intelligence

When it comes to the workplace, technical skills associated with cognitive intelligence can get you so far but the social skills that come with high emotional intelligence can make all the difference. Let’s compare the two….

3 ways managers can motivate staff

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When you hear the word ‘motivators’ what comes to mind? Many people may answer ‘money’, ‘success’ or ‘happiness’. While these are great reasons for self-determination, as a manager there are other ways to motivate your staff. Let’s look at three of them. …

Emotional intelligence: 4 traits of Emotional Intelligence

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emotional intelligence

When it comes to success in both your professional and personal life, there is one skill that will allow you to navigate any environment with ease: Emotional Intelligence. We’ll look into the 4 parts that make up an emotionally intelligent person. …

How to strengthen your young employees’ communication skills  

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interpersonal skills definition

The influx of technology aimed to make communication easier has caused young employees to lose the ability to connect and communicate in the real world and in the workplace. How do leaders step in?…

How to improve soft skills in your workplace in Bangladesh

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soft skills training

Over the last few years, Bangladeshi businesses have begun to put more focus on soft skills training. With events and organisations centred around soft the importance of soft skills, Bangladesh is moving towards a soft skills focused workforce. Interpersonal skills, employability skills, leadership, and entrepreneurial development have become more important to organisations than ever before. The Learning and Development industry is growing and so is the need for information on soft skills training for leaders and managers.  Here are four ways to train your employees in soft skills. …

Teamwork skills: 4 myths about teamwork

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teamwork skills

Building and leading a successful team is akin to taking a journey. Members of the team should experience it together but the teamwork journey is tricky for leaders to map. Especially as there is a lot of misinformation surrounding what teamwork looks like (Take “There is no ‘I’ in TEAM for example). Let’s look at four common teamwork myths and try to debunk them….