When we look at the behaviour patterns, attitudes and techniques that many people use successfully to cope with life’s stresses, five key themes emerge. …
Tag: emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence: definition and why it’s important in the workplace

The word is out about emotional intelligence. Companies who once focused only on where their new hires went to university have learned that IQ alone isn’t going to make them successful. The way employees conduct themselves, the way they express themselves, and the way they interact with others are all as important if not more important than the person’s score on an intelligence test. …
What is emotional resilience and how does it work?

When we look at the behaviour patterns, attitudes, and techniques that many people use successfully to cope with life’s stresses, five key themes emerge. Let’s check them out. …
Why Emotional Intelligence should be part of your L&D offering

Many employers have recognised an employees’ ability to harness and manage their emotions as a major contributor to improved performance at work and therefore a skill to hone and develop. Let’s look at 7 reasons emotional intelligence should be a part of every L&D offering. …
Communication skills: the top 4 communication skills and how to improve them

Whether consciously or not, we communicate in a variety of ways every day. In both our personal and professional lives, communication is arguably the most important interpersonal skill to develop and improve. There are many aspects that make up strong communication Let’s look at the top four communication skills and how to improve them. …
Thinking skills: EQ vs. IQ in the workplace in India

When it comes to the workplace, technical skills associated with cognitive intelligence can get you so far but the social skills that come with high emotional intelligence can make all the difference. Let’s compare the two….
Emotional intelligence: 4 traits of Emotional Intelligence

When it comes to success in both your professional and personal life, there is one skill that will allow you to navigate any environment with ease: Emotional Intelligence. We’ll look into the 4 parts that make up an emotionally intelligent person. …
Interpersonal skills explained

Interpersonal skills. You use them every day without even knowing it. We use interpersonal skills when we communicate and interact with people both personally and professionally. But what are these skills? And why are they so important?…