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Tag: learning & development

Technology’s surprising impact on soft skills

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technology's impact on soft skills

Let’s face it, in the world of soft skills, technology gets a bad rap. However, upon speaking to over 300 L&D professionals, Bookboon learned that over 50% say that technology has had a surprisingly positive effect on both soft skills and how we develop them. Let’s look at 6 ways technology positively impacts our learners’ soft skills. …

How to show your employees the value of learning

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the value of learning

When it comes to learning, showing our employees what’s in it for them isn’t as impossible as it may seem. Let’s look at 7 ways to show employees the true value of learning. …

7 reasons your employees aren’t learning

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employees not learning

For L&D professionals who are always looking to defend the benefits learning brings to an organisation, knowing the barriers to effective learning is essential. Let’s look at the top 7 reasons your learners might not be reaching their full potential….

8 ways to ensure your learning offering meets the newest learning trends

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learning and development trends

Follow these 8 trends to ensure your learning solution is up to date with the needs of the modern learner. …

5 reasons eLearning is here to stay

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As a relatively new concept compared to traditional learning methods, in the grand scheme of things, eLearning is sometimes looked at as a fad or trend, but this fast-growing, ultra-efficient learning method is here to stay. Here are five reasons why.  …

How to save money with eLearning

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learn how to save money

There are countless ways that investing in eLearning can save organisations thousands but, when it comes to convincing budget-holders about the benefits of L&D, we know learning professionals don’t have all day, so here are the top 5. …

Why Emotional Intelligence should be part of your L&D offering

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emotional intelligence

Many employers have recognised an employees’ ability to harness and manage their emotions as a major contributor to improved performance at work and therefore a skill to hone and develop. Let’s look at 7 reasons emotional intelligence should be a part of every L&D offering. …

The 6 myths hiding the true value of L&D

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We debunk the 6 most common L&D myths….