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Category: Author Blog

6 ways to be powerful

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What is power? What does it mean to be powerful? To be effective at work and to maximise career potential, you need to develop your personal power. But do you know what makes you powerful? Would you like to find new sources of power and build on your existing strengths? Or perhaps you are just curious about how power works in organisations. The good news is that we are all powerful (even if you don’t feel that right now). The bad news is that this is a confusing and controversial area….

4 steps to career success

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What does success mean to you? Perhaps it means something different to you today than it did when you were in your 20’s. Maybe you’re looking to make a career change or working towards a promotion at work or maybe you’re planning on opening the business of your dreams. Whatever the reason you’re reading this is, you are on the hunt for career success and we’ll teach you how to get there. …

Cortisol: The stress hormone that is ruining your workday  

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Stress is a reality that plagues most of us from time to time and some of us on a daily basis. However, the pressure from your boss, the looming deadlines, juggling kids’ school schedules and attempting to maintain some sort of social life all whilst trying not to combust aren’t necessarily to blame. The culprit for your stress-related symptoms is a little thing called cortisol….

Getting the most out of extroverted employees

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All workplaces are full of many different types of personalities, with each bringing their own unique strengths and skill sets to the table. Most noticeably, you’ll often see a proportion of employees best described as ‘extroverts’, as well as many who you would call ‘introverts’ and ‘ambiverts’. Each personality type is crucial to the smooth running of any business, but today we’re going to focus on extroverts….

Soft skills for managers: how to be a better leader

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Learning & Development managers focus on communicating the importance of developing a wide arsenal of soft skills to their employees and teams. However, it is important L&D professionals don’t fall under the famous ‘If you can’t do, teach.’ stereotype. It is equally important that learning managers stay up-to-date on the soft skills that enable them to be passionate, inspiring leaders. Here are 5 soft skills for managers to help you become a better leader….

How to improve your memory today

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Many of us are poor listeners. When we do listen we tend to forget about 75% of what we hear within two months and between a third and a half of what we hear within 8 hours. …

Linkedin CEO says we need more training in soft skills

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Although we live with technology all around us, which would lead some to believe without the knowledge of programming or coding one may be left in the digital dust, it turns out that our inherent human skills are more valuable than ever….

6 quick reads for online business success

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The holidays are prime time for online businesses. With Black Friday, Cyber Monday and general Christmas fever rising every day, consumers are ready to spend and it’s important that digital businesses take advantage of this time. E-commerce businesses is a massive industry to attempt to break into and thrive in. But there are some key elements to take into consideration when building your digital brand. Is your online business ready for the holiday season? Get ready for those online shoppers with these six quick reads. …