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Tag: self-confidence

How good leaders deal with stress

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In “The Little Book of Leadership” we point out how important it is for leaders to be able to show their “human face” instead of trying to appear infallible under all circumstances. Did you know that this is the basis for trust in leaders?…

Are your employees leaving due to a lack of training opportunities?

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New research suggests that the majority of UK employees (63%) would switch employers if only they got more training opportunities.* That is a staggering number. Combine this with the fact that the average UK employee has gone two years without training and over 10% more than four years, this is revealing a big problem in the job market….

How to Be More Innovative and Creative at Work

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Read this article and learn how to make a real impact on your business’s development by being more creative at work! …

Find Yourself: 3 Routes to Self-Discovery

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If you are embarking on a journey of self-discovery to find yourself, then you may be interested in reading this article!…

The Soft Skill “Self-Confidence”: Why Encouraging Your Employees is Vital

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Are your employees reaching their full potential?…

Maximize Your Strengths and Become Your Own Superhero

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Success is affected by how you are able to maximize both your known and unknown strengths….

Socializing and Networking: How to Control Your Own Productivity

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Socializing and Networking

Tempted and distracted by other people’s chats during working hours? Here’s how you can control your distraction levels….

Passion and success: 4 powerful tips on how to reach your goals

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It’s never too late to reach your goals. Check out this article and find fresh motivation methods….