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Author: tbm

Why eLearning is a modern fit for the 70-20-10 model  

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The 70-20-10 model is a well-known approach to how we learn at work and is used in many organisations all over the world. How does modern eLearning fit into an established model for how we learn?…

How to strengthen your young employees’ communication skills  

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interpersonal skills definition

The influx of technology aimed to make communication easier has caused young employees to lose the ability to connect and communicate in the real world and in the workplace. How do leaders step in?…

How eLearning can help define your success criteria

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By defining the success criteria of a learning solution launch, L&D professionals can easily prove its impact and show its very tangible and positive effects on the organisation….

How to effectively use eBooks in workplace training

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employee engagement

There are many advantages to using eBooks for training purposes, but these benefits could become amplified if you use them effectively. Here are a few simple ideas that will enable you to get the best results from eBooks in your workplace.  …

Three ways new tech is changing L&D

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Technological innovation never stands still, and the benefits that new ideas are bringing to the world of learning and development are increasing every day. Over the course of 2019, we can expect to see a range of exciting new tech aimed at improving efficiency across the sector. Innovation aimed at learning and development professionals ranges from new takes on digital learning, to HR tech which could be able to predict potential skills gaps before they happen. Take a look at three ways we could see tech transforming learning and development over the coming year.  …

Natural born leaders: fact or fiction?

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The idea that some of us are predisposed to become great leaders from birth has long been touted as fact. However, the suggestion that a handful of us are ‘natural born leaders’, and the vast majority aren’t, glosses over the crucial roles of experience and training in making the world’s best leaders.  …

How to let introverted employees bloom

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Did you know that roughly one third of the world’s population are classed as introverts? That’s a huge number! Quite simply, this means that a third of people tend to exhibit similar characteristics when it comes to social interaction. However, when it comes to business, introverts have a unique range of strengths which are all too easy to overlook….

Why you need to tailor L&D strategies to modern ways of thinking

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It’s no secret that the modern brain works in a distinct way. On the whole, our attention spans are more limited, we’re short on time and we find bite-size pieces of information the easiest to digest.  …