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Author: tbm

How to engage reluctant learners

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employee engagement

The process of nurturing proactive, self-directed learning is not the same for every employee. Luckily, there are a few steps L&D professionals can take to engage even the most reluctant employees, boost engagement rates and secure a positive ROI. …

How to get more learning out of your L&D budget

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l&d budget

Switching to eLearning means that being short on expenses does not have to result in a lack of learning within a company….

The top 7 digital learning mistakes

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elearning mistake

Although the benefits of digitalisation, such as cost-savings, learning at the point of need and a faster turnaround on skills, do outweigh the challenges, as with any type of substantial change, mistakes do happen. …

8 ways to improve the quality of your L&D offering

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Here are 8 ways to determine if your L&D offering is of a high quality and how to improve it. …

How to make millennials work

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make millennials work

When it comes to learning, growing up with access instant access to information, entertainment and a WikiHow resolution to every problem have made it understandably difficult for millennials to learn from traditional or long-form content. …

Your staff aren’t quitting their jobs, they’re quitting their bosses

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leadership skills

Because of a lack of focus on soft skills in schools and because many managers are promoted into their roles because of the technical skills they displayed in previous positions, many managers, new and seasoned alike, do not possess the essential leadership skills required to manage a team. …

The 7 most essential soft skills for techies

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Soft skills don’t stop at creative or people-facing jobs. There are many soft skills that can not only come in handy but are essential for success in tech roles as well. Here are 7 of the most important soft skills for techies. …

7 Tips to offer employees actionable learning

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It is all well and good to train employees, but if they cannot actively apply new skills to their workplace, the efforts of L&D professionals will be in vain. …