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Communication skills: 5 key steps to Active Listening

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Have you ever been telling a story only to discover that, halfway through what you believed was fascinating information, the person to whom you were speaking to is seemingly not actually paying attention to what you are saying? As annoying as this may be perhaps you have also been on the other end and have spent less time listening to a friend’s story and more time coming up with your next interjection in the conversation. Both of these situations are…

Lifelong learning: How to create lifelong learners with L&D

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lifelong learning skills

Learning should not stop the moment one leaves university or becomes comfortable in a position. In fact, learning at work, specifically when it comes to interpersonal skills, should become a lifelong aspect of every career and an important investment for every organisation…

Presentation skills: 10 questions to prepare a great presentation

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presentation skills

Being asked to give a public presentation can be both gratifying and frightening all at the same time. Of course, being organised and prepared is important but asking these 10 questions will guarantee you give a sensational presentation. …

Networking tips: 6 tips for successful networking

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networking tips

networking is one of the most effective ways to engage new clients, increase engagement and awareness of a brand, and grow as a business. Here are 6 tips for successful networking at corporate events. …

How to have a productive day

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We have all been there: It’s the end of the workday and you look at your to-do list that has somehow grown rather than shrunk and wonder how it is possible. By simply changing a few of your daily habits, you can make today as productive as it can be….

Motivation skills for managers: 6 Steps to improve employees’ motivation

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motivation skills

There are many reasons employees might be lacking in motivation and it is up to managers not only to be motivated themselves but also use their leadership skills to motivate their employees. Motivation and inspiration do come and go naturally for everyone but there are a few steps managers can take to encourage and influence staff to remain inspired and motivated in both the short and long-term….

Work-life balance for parents: 5 tips

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Here are 5 work-life balance tips to help you manage your workload while enjoying having your little ones home full-time. …

The next Prime Minister: 6 soft skills for the UK’s next leader

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general election

While there is still some speculation over to who will fill May’s shoes, Britains next PM will require a specific set of skills to get the job done. Here are the 6 soft skills the UK’s next Prime Minister will need. …