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Stress management: 3 ways to deal with back to work stress

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Back to work stress got you down? Have no fear, we’ve been there before and we’ve got 3 stress-busting tips to make your first day back a breeze. …

5 Time Management books you can’t miss

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time management

Time. We all have the same amount of it during any given day but some of us struggle to manage it as well as others seem to. Luckily, Bookboon has you covered with our top 5 books on Time Management….

5 solutions to ineffective time management

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Time flies. It is a simple truth. But managing that time effectively can be a difficult skill to master. The inability to use time effectively affects personal and professional productivity. That is why finding ways to increase the level of productivity is of vital importance….

How to generate a cool idea for your essay in 5 steps

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writing skills

If you are struggling with keeping up with all these requirements, we will make it easier on you by presenting these 5 steps to generate a cool idea for your essay. …

5 ways Positive Psychology can change your life

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positive psychology

Introducing some of the theories and practices that promote positive psychology can help individuals lead a more successful and flourishing life, both personally and professionally. Let’s look at 5 of them….

5 useful techniques for enhancing your memory

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thinking skills

Let’s review some useful techniques for enhancing your memory. …

Managing diversity: 3 tools to manage diversity

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The world really is becoming smaller. Social and technological advancements have allowed us to build a more diverse and inclusive workforce than ever before. There are many benefits to having a diverse workforce such as increased innovation and adaptability, reaching a broader market and improved productivity. This, as well as ensuring employees feel safe and educated on diversity, makes it extremely important that leaders within organisations know how to manage diversity. That’s why we’ve compiled 3 of our best eBooks…

5 teamwork books you can’t miss

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teamwork skills

Teamwork may make the dream work but managing a team doesn’t always feel like a dream. That’s why we have put together a list of the top 5 teamwork eBooks you just can’t miss. …