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Racism in the workplace: What can managers do?

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According to a recent survey by business psychologists Pearn Kandola, over half of UK employees have witnessed racism in the workplace but a shocking third of them said they failed to report it to their employer….

What is gamification?

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Gamification. You have probably heard this term more and more over the past few years. It sounds pretty fun but if, when you hear the word, you assume you’ll spend the rest of your working days playing games, you are both correct and incorrect. Let’s look at gamification and what it actually means? …

Goal setting: How to set goals and achieve them

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goal setting

When we think about our lives we tend to ask the same questions:  What do I want? Am I happy? What does success mean to me? The question we often forget to ask is: How am I going to achieve my goals? The answer is smart goal setting. …

Soft skills: how to win The Apprentice

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On the finale of the latest season of the BBC’s The Apprentice, business magnate Lord Alan Sugar made his decision on his newest business partner. Following the episode, the question entering many fans’ minds is: ‘Could I win this thing?’ Well, a great idea and some luck will certainly help, but one thing that is guaranteed to get you through the harsh boardroom interrogations is a strong set of soft skills. There are few ‘human’ skills that might get you through the tough tasks to impress Lord Sugar and avoid hearing the dreaded ‘you’re fired.’…

6 ways to be powerful

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What is power? What does it mean to be powerful? To be effective at work and to maximise career potential, you need to develop your personal power. But do you know what makes you powerful? Would you like to find new sources of power and build on your existing strengths? Or perhaps you are just curious about how power works in organisations. The good news is that we are all powerful (even if you don’t feel that right now). The bad news is that this is a confusing and controversial area….

4 steps to career success

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What does success mean to you? Perhaps it means something different to you today than it did when you were in your 20’s. Maybe you’re looking to make a career change or working towards a promotion at work or maybe you’re planning on opening the business of your dreams. Whatever the reason you’re reading this is, you are on the hunt for career success and we’ll teach you how to get there. …

Cortisol: The stress hormone that is ruining your workday  

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Stress is a reality that plagues most of us from time to time and some of us on a daily basis. However, the pressure from your boss, the looming deadlines, juggling kids’ school schedules and attempting to maintain some sort of social life all whilst trying not to combust aren’t necessarily to blame. The culprit for your stress-related symptoms is a little thing called cortisol….

Soft skills for managers: how to be a better leader

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Learning & Development managers focus on communicating the importance of developing a wide arsenal of soft skills to their employees and teams. However, it is important L&D professionals don’t fall under the famous ‘If you can’t do, teach.’ stereotype. It is equally important that learning managers stay up-to-date on the soft skills that enable them to be passionate, inspiring leaders. Here are 5 soft skills for managers to help you become a better leader….