eLearning is an extremely effective way to consume new information about anything from mindfulness and mental health to time management and managing stress to cryptocurrency and speed reading. We’ve got six tips to help you make the most of your eLearning experience. …
Category: Articles
How to juggle kids and a career

Becoming a new parent comes with a lot of excitement a lot of change and a lot of questions. One common one being: What will happen to my career?…
Indian police get training in soft skills

Delhi Police have undergone new training in soft skills. Taking a step forward, Delhi Police Southeast district launched soft skills training for its police officers….
Six quick reads for social media success

Social media. You’re most likely using it and if not, you should be. Especially for your business. 71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others. Social media is a fantastic marketing tool for creating brand awareness, going global and generating sales. The number of global social media users reached 3.196 billion in 2018. Although a massive number of us are using it, there is still a lot of confusion surrounding how to use it best. Are hashtags still cool? Is paid advertising worth it? How do I gain followers? And what on earth does an ‘influencer’ actually do? Check out these six quick reads to social media success….
Soft skills beat tech every time and this is why

Technology is changing the way we work, both as individuals and businesses. A whole host of exciting digital changes have paved the way for new ways of working, and these changes show no sign of slowing down. …
How do you respond when someone is choking?

What happens when you see someone nearby experiencing a crisis?…
How soft skills can secure you a job in finance

The finance industry isn’t all about data entry and number crunching. In fact, now that AI is on the scene, the industry is on the hunt for individuals with strong soft skills….
Corporate kindness: How not to be the toxic boss

Anyone who has experienced corporate life in any sector will likely know that kindness and compassion within organisations are often lacking at best. Unfortunately, according to Compassionate coaching in the corporate world by Julia Menaul, this stems from the very idea of compassion at work can be equated with being soft and weak….