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Tag: social media

Six quick reads for social media success

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Social media. You’re most likely using it and if not, you should be. Especially for your business.  71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others. Social media is a fantastic marketing tool for creating brand awareness, going global and generating sales. The number of global social media users reached 3.196 billion in 2018. Although a massive number of us are using it, there is still a lot of confusion surrounding how to use it best. Are hashtags still cool? Is paid advertising worth it? How do I gain followers? And what on earth does an ‘influencer’ actually do? Check out these six quick reads to social media success….

What is LinkedIn? And why should you use it?

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Today there are many social media platforms – like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – all offering the chance to network. But only LinkedIn offers a purely business network where members can find out more about your professional situation….

Data privacy scandal and the #DeleteFacebook campaign

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Facebook - Cambridge Analytica

Probably a few of you may not have heard about the #DeleteFacebook campaign that has been trending on every social media in the last few days.

Facebook had more than $50Bn wiped out from the stock market as the news spread about the data scandal their name got involved in with another company leading this called Cambridge Analytica….

Cognitive Networking: Makes Dreams Come True

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What can you do if you want to optimise your networking practice?…

Strategy Around Networking

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What should you do?…

3 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Content to Engage People

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Looking for ways to optimize your social media marketing campaign to create more engaging content that will captivate your followers? …

Step by Step Strategy to Start and Grow a YouTube Channel for your Business

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The statistics surrounding YouTube are undeniable. One billion users. 323 days’ worth of YouTube video are watched every minute on Facebook alone. But the most shocking statistic of all is that just 9 percent of small businesses take the relatively easy steps of creating and growing a YouTube channel, a move which could quickly improve their business. …

People you should never add on LinkedIn

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Learn how to achieve best results with of your LinkedIn profile and read tips on how to assess who you should add to your professional network….