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3 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Content to Engage People

Posted in Articles

Your social media marketing campaign isn’t going to be successful if you’re unable to engage your audience. Looking for ways to engage more people through social media? Here are a few tips to help you optimize your content: 

 1. Recycle Written Content into Infographics

Visual content is much more attractive than text content. You may have noticed how you often scan through a long text post but immediately focus on an image post on Facebook.

Capitalize on this tendency by recycling your written content into infographics for your social media marketing campaign. This is especially useful for small business marketing as you’ll be spending less time and energy to come up with new content ideas.

If you have some useful advice or interesting facts to share with your audience, try creating an infographic instead of simply sharing a link to the blog post. You can then add a link to the post in the caption, inviting people to click on it for more interesting facts. Tools like

Piktochart and offer an extensive range of pre-made templates you can use for designing your infographic.

2. Add Witty Captions to Image and Video Posts

Humor always helps when it comes to the social media world. Share your sense of humor with your audience by describing your image and video posts with witty captions. This is an excellent way to show your fun side and encourage fans to engage with your brand. Relatable questions or statements are often an excellent choice.
Bissell does this well. The company sells vacuum cleaners and manages to engage their social media fans through witty and relatable captions. Take a look at the following screenshot for an example to help you come up with an idea for your social media marketing campaign.

3. Create and Share Bite-Sized Video Content

Most people don’t want to read long-winded text posts on social media. So if you’re looking to engage more people, entertain them with short, good-humored videos. Social Media Today reported that videos have the highest average organic reach among all types of social media content. You can always look for trending videos using tools like BuzzSumo and then share these videos with your audience.

You can further optimize your social media marketing campaign by creating short videos of your own regarding a trending topic. BuzzFeed, for instance, created a funny video related to the Presidential debate. This post managed to get more than 44,000 likes and 20,000 shares on Facebook.

Wrapping Up

You now know a few effective ways to engage more people, raise brand awareness, and optimize your content for your next social media marketing campaign.

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