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Author: tbm

How to bring the entrepreneurial spirit to your organisation

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entrepreneurial spirit

Initiative, innovation, and imagination. All these factors are what keep a company moving onward and upward and they are also all components of another essential part of a successful business: an entrepreneurial spirit….

Change management: Why your personal development plan should focus on this important business skill

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change management

The modern workplace is in a constant state of change. This makes it crucial that organisations are prepared with the skills associated with managing change….

How to train the perfect boss

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perfect boss

Upon analyzing what makes a truly great leader, technical skills come dead last. …

Become a great place to work through L&D

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Here are 6 reasons that investing in L&D will impact every area of a business and make your company a great place to work. …

The 6 myths hiding the true value of L&D

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We debunk the 6 most common L&D myths….

Why L&D is crucial to mental health at work

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mental health at work

Many workplaces invest in the mental wellbeing of their employees by providing services that encourage a healthy lifestyle such as discounts on fitness centres, cycling to work policies and working from home schemes. However, organisations tend to forget about one of the most impactful factors of the mental health of their employees: learning. …

Why communication skills should be part of every L&D offering

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Comunication skills

More than three-quarters of the average employee’s day is spent communicating with colleagues, clients, and management (1). That is an enormous portion of time that could either be beneficial or detrimental to a company depending on the effectiveness of the communication skills of its employees. Communication affects every area of business making effective communication is an in-demand skill for organisations regardless of industry.  …

The 7 benefits of digital learning

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As we enter the fourth industrial revolution, technology has changed many aspects of the modern workplace such as how we work, how we communicate and even how we plan our weeks. But it would appear that one vital component to professional life is lagging behind: learning….