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Category: Author Blog

Five Speed reading secrets to help you create more time in your day

Posted in Articles

Imagine if you could improve your reading speed, even if by just 20%. It would be like getting a free hour back for every five spent reading reports, emails, policies, legal documents… Many can improve by even more than that. You can get out from under your paperwork mountain more quickly by learning and applying a simple set of speed reading techniques….

Never stop working on your soft skills

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Soft skills should always be a work in progress. Skills such as communication, teamwork, collaboration and social intelligence are things we improve on throughout our lives, with experience gained in both our personal lives and work lives only furthering our abilities….

Going Digital: Old School vs. New Learning

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Although more accessibility to devices on which to consume training from, such as mobile phones and e-readers, opens huge opportunities for flexible employee training, when it comes to the use of technology for learning and development, many organisations are behind the curve….

Blended Learning: Getting Your Learning Mix Right

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Whether you are from the generation of rewarding good grades with scratch and sniff stickers, saving on actual floppy disks (Is that what that icon on my desktop is?) or wheeling TV’s into the classroom, at some point, many of us look back on the weird ways that we learned in school. Cue Blended Learning. …

Die Welt soll wissen wie Designer denken: Das andere Buch über Design-Thinking

Posted in Articles German

Wir erleben derzeit einen Hype um eine neue Methode Design-Thinking. Manager meinen, darin den heiligen Gral der automatischen, durch einen Prozess definierten Innovationsgenerierung entdeckt zu haben. Mitnichten!…

Meetings: Elon Musk Hates Them and You’re Probably Doing them Wrong

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Are your board meetings more like ‘bored-meetings’? Find out how Bookboon can help with tips and tricks that even Elon Musk could use. …

What Soft Skills do you Need to Organise an Event to Remember?

Posted in Articles

If the term “work hard, play hard” applies to your career, you might work in events. As much as the stress of planning and coordinating will get to you, event organising is of the most exciting industries out there. …

Time Management: The 90-Minute Rule of Scheduling

Posted in Articles

We often lie in bed at night and think “Right. Tomorrow I’m going to be productive. I’m going to check everything off of my list: wake up early, cook a healthy breakfast, organise my desk, answer all of my emails, crush my deadlines,  go for a run…” and the list goes on. Often we end up waking up with that same motivation but quickly become distracted and achieve less than half of what we set out to do. This can leave us feeling frustrated and cause us to put our tasks off until tomorrow once again. Rinse, repeat and what do you have? Well, you’ve got poor time management. Don’t worry, most of us do too….