Socializing and Networking: How to Control Your Own Productivity

Socializing and networking – there is a very thin line between these two. Well, both of them sound just the same. The distinction between the two lies on the topic of conversation. When it is work related, such as career issues in your workplace, it is generally “networking”. If it is not, then it’s a plain socializing.
If socializing is conducted on breaks, lunch times, or after work, this can’t be classified as interruption at all. However, when socializing is done during working hours, it becomes a distraction that affects the productivity of your group. On the other hand, networking interruptions need to be focused and mindful of time constraints to lessen its effect on one’s productivity.
If interruptions come mostly from external factors such as colleagues and co-workers, and most of these interruptions are affecting your effectiveness and productivity, you have to do something. There are four easy steps:
1. Clear communications
Be vocal and clear with your goal of being productive and effective. If someone interrupts you, you can always tell them in a nice way that you need to finish something.
For instance, tell them – “Sorry give me a minute, I must just sort this out.” In this way, you will not be labeled as an unkind and cruel co-worker in your workplace. You can also prepare them ahead of time that you have tight deadlines approaching and that you really need to use every minute of the working day to achieve them.
2. Body Language
This is the best partner of the first step. Glance up with your eyes, show sincerity that there is something really more important than socializing. Show your colleagues that you’re really doing something significant. Make them feel how important it is for you to utilize your working hours in the most productive way as possible. You only need to do it two or three times with each person before they take the hint that you don’t have the time to socialize during working hours.
3. Attitude to work
Positive attitude towards work is also a big help. When you let yourself be focused on your goals, you’ll end up being efficient and productive. With these right attitudes, you’ll never know, you can be the role model your colleagues will be looking up to in the future.
4. Limit to official breaks
It helps to make a ‘social round’ during your lunch break and have a quick chat with people on your team or other co-workers. This will make them realize that you’re not really a mean and anti-social person, instead just a focused, productive and efficient worker.
People are naturally very swift in accepting others’ working habits. Provided that you are diplomatic, you can be seen as someone who is friendly and approachable but is simply too busy and focused on your work.
The struggle to be productive is real and it is something that everybody has to continue working on. In addition to these four steps, listen to the following 7 podcast episodes about productivity.
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