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How soft skills can secure you a job in finance

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The finance industry isn’t all about data entry and number crunching. In fact, now that AI is on the scene, the industry is on the hunt for individuals with strong soft skills….

Corporate kindness: How not to be the toxic boss

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Anyone who has experienced corporate life in any sector will likely know that kindness and compassion within organisations are often lacking at best. Unfortunately, according to Compassionate coaching in the corporate world by Julia Menaul, this stems from the very idea of compassion at work can be equated with being soft and weak….

What managers can do about workplace bullying

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What comes to mind when you think of bullying? For many of us, the idea of a bully is the same. It’s that mean kid on the schoolyard who picked on others for seemingly no reason. But unfortunately, bullying doesn’t always halt at the toss of a graduation cap. Bullying is everywhere, and workplace bullying is a serious issue. …

Consejos de ventas B2B imprescindibles para emprendedores y pequeñas empresas

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¿Tiene el ser humano pánico a vender? En mi nuevo ebook de la editorial BookBoon expongo de una manera sencilla y desenfadada consejos contados desde la experiencia personal en ventas B2B. Trato de explicar cómo un emprendedor como yo que trabaja en una pequeña empresa encara la venta B2B tras haberme caído muchas veces por el camino….

Improve work-life balance with our 8 stress management tips

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manejo del estrés

Stress management is fundamentally different from all other management training topics. It can be highly personal and it is not just about work. Stress centers on feelings more than facts which makes it difficult to identify and manage. Learn how to manage your stress and live a healthier work/life balance. …

What difficult conversation are you not having today?

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Research shows us that 25% of people put off having difficult conversations for over a year. Learn the 6 steps to valuable, honest and positive communication. …

What your soft skills are worth may surprise you

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Soft skills such as communication, social intelligence and collaboration are essential to success in business. However, the true worth of these abilities is often overlooked in favor of more easily quantifiable skills such as typing, writing, and mathematics. Whilst all skills are certainly beneficial on both an individual and business level, the consistent undervaluing of soft skills is a subject which needs further discussion.  …

Employee Retention: 6 strategies to keep your best talent

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employee retention

Hiring and firing is as much a part of business as sales and results. And for one reason or another, employee turnover is unavoidable. However, when an employee leaves, it can cost your business. Hiring new employees involves investing time and resources into hiring, training, and certifying. Learn the tips to keep your best talent on board. …