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Tag: Education

What your soft skills are worth may surprise you

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Soft skills such as communication, social intelligence and collaboration are essential to success in business. However, the true worth of these abilities is often overlooked in favor of more easily quantifiable skills such as typing, writing, and mathematics. Whilst all skills are certainly beneficial on both an individual and business level, the consistent undervaluing of soft skills is a subject which needs further discussion.  …

Jenny Crwys & Bookboon Help Tackle the Education Crisis to Lower Cost for Students in SA & Africa

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The Bookboon+network in Africa.

A few weeks ago we have published an article to showcase the situation for students in SA and Africa. Amidst ongoing conflict and violent debate around the cost of tertiary education in South Africa, radio personality Jenny Crwys Williams has joined forces with Bookboon to give students free access to textbooks and key learning resources. She has been appointed patron of the Bookboon+network in Africa, which looks to address the cost barrier of traditional textbooks with a technology enabled, corporate…

Providing Soft Skills Education is Key to Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

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Het voorzien van opleiding in softskills is essentieel om top talent aan te trekken en te behouden.

A recent survey of CEO’s, by PwC[1], has highlighted the growing concern among business leaders, who have recognised a shortage of transferable soft skills in the working population. New entrants into an organisation lack essential interpersonal, communication and business skills to be effective, productive and – even more important – to be competitive. There is an ultra-modern and simple solution available now, today, to help you recognise and reward talent, and develop the talent pool in your company….