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Year: 2016

Why communication skills should be part of every L&D offering

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Comunication skills

More than three-quarters of the average employee’s day is spent communicating with colleagues, clients, and management (1). That is an enormous portion of time that could either be beneficial or detrimental to a company depending on the effectiveness of the communication skills of its employees. Communication affects every area of business making effective communication is an in-demand skill for organisations regardless of industry.  …

Managing diversity: 3 tools to manage diversity

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The world really is becoming smaller. Social and technological advancements have allowed us to build a more diverse and inclusive workforce than ever before. There are many benefits to having a diverse workforce such as increased innovation and adaptability, reaching a broader market and improved productivity. This, as well as ensuring employees feel safe and educated on diversity, makes it extremely important that leaders within organisations know how to manage diversity. That’s why we’ve compiled 3 of our best eBooks…

The 7 benefits of digital learning

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As we enter the fourth industrial revolution, technology has changed many aspects of the modern workplace such as how we work, how we communicate and even how we plan our weeks. But it would appear that one vital component to professional life is lagging behind: learning….

How to engage reluctant learners

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employee engagement

The process of nurturing proactive, self-directed learning is not the same for every employee. Luckily, there are a few steps L&D professionals can take to engage even the most reluctant employees, boost engagement rates and secure a positive ROI. …

5 teamwork books you can’t miss

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teamwork skills

Teamwork may make the dream work but managing a team doesn’t always feel like a dream. That’s why we have put together a list of the top 5 teamwork eBooks you just can’t miss. …

Communication skills: 5 key steps to Active Listening

Posted in Articles, Uncategorized

Have you ever been telling a story only to discover that, halfway through what you believed was fascinating information, the person to whom you were speaking to is seemingly not actually paying attention to what you are saying? As annoying as this may be perhaps you have also been on the other end and have spent less time listening to a friend’s story and more time coming up with your next interjection in the conversation. Both of these situations are…

How to get more learning out of your L&D budget

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l&d budget

Switching to eLearning means that being short on expenses does not have to result in a lack of learning within a company….

Lifelong learning: How to create lifelong learners with L&D

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lifelong learning skills

Learning should not stop the moment one leaves university or becomes comfortable in a position. In fact, learning at work, specifically when it comes to interpersonal skills, should become a lifelong aspect of every career and an important investment for every organisation…