Creative thinking is a way of looking at a situation or problem and coming up with unique ideas or solutions to improve or solve it. It is one of the top 5 soft skills of the future and contrary to popular belief, this in-demand skill can be learned. Let’s look at our top 5 eBooks that promote and improve creative thinking. …
Category: Articles
Why do people learn?

In our efforts to give our learners the best experience possible, we tend to forget a major factor in the learning process: why people learn. Let’s look at 6 reasons people learn. …
Stress management: 12 quick fixes to relieve stress

Did you know that over 74% of UK workers are too stressed to cope? for National Stress Awareness Day, we have compiled 12 quick fixes to relieve stress. …
Why soft skills should be at the heart of your people strategy

It’s time companies began to invest in developing their biggest cost factor: the people who make the organisation tick. …
Emotional intelligence: definition and why it’s important in the workplace

The word is out about emotional intelligence. Companies who once focused only on where their new hires went to university have learned that IQ alone isn’t going to make them successful. The way employees conduct themselves, the way they express themselves, and the way they interact with others are all as important if not more important than the person’s score on an intelligence test. …
6 essential reasons to invest in soft skills development

The organisations of the future must invest in their employees and company alike by providing training and development opportunities that will allow their staff to hone the skills of the future: soft skills. …
7 reasons your employees aren’t learning

For L&D professionals who are always looking to defend the benefits learning brings to an organisation, knowing the barriers to effective learning is essential. Let’s look at the top 7 reasons your learners might not be reaching their full potential….
Employee development: 6 key influencers to employee motivation

There are a number of key influences on creating positive feelings towards their own training and therefore motivating individuals to work towards completing it. Here are 6 key influencers to employee motivation. …