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Want your team to succeed? Performance management!

Posted in Articles

Motivation Skills
This article is based on the free ebook “Motivation Skills”

Performance management involves many roles. You must be a communicator, a leader, a role model, and a collaborator. Each individual member of the team should understand exactly what their responsibilities and expectations are, and as their supervisor, you should work to help them reach those goals. Let’s see what we can do!


Performance management is about partnership and motivation

Some people find performance management to be a difficult role to play. Some people in particular have difficulty when it comes to evaluating performance. But when it’s done well, performance management is about partnership and motivation. If it’s done from this perspective, there is nothing to be uncomfortable about. When this perspective is shared with your employees and they learn to see it that way, performance management becomes a powerful tool that helps your team to become more successful. Here are some guidelines to consider when you want to realize the motivational Performance Management System.


Maintain consistency

First, maintain consistency. Once you set performance targets, you need to act and evaluate according to them. If you tell your employees that you expect one thing but then evaluate them based on something else, your employees will lose trust in you as their supervisor and in the validity of your performance management process.

Follow through

Next, be sure to follow-through on your performance management process. If you tell your team that you will have quarterly performance evaluations, than be sure you have them. If you have as a goal for your employee that they learn a new skill, be sure that you provide them with the necessary training or resources.


Demonstrate the right attitude

If your attitude towards performance management is one that focuses on the benefits and your actions mirror that attitude, then you employees will learn to appreciate the process. They will understand that performance management isn’t about punishment or criticism – it’s about growth, productivity, and success as a team.


Be willing to do the work

When you become a supervisor, unless you are leading an entirely new division or team, there will probably be some form of performance management program in existence. It might seem easy and productive to simply enact what has been done before. We are all so pressured for time on the job that doing something like reviewing the basics of your performance management process may easily slip to the back burner. But the only way for you to be certain that you and your team will experience the benefits of performance management is to review the existing process and make sure that it is set up as well as possible. Soon enough, each of your team members will be able to contribute to team effectiveness, or will experience individual growth, which in turn will help to fuel their enthusiasm for their job.

Learn more about performance management in “Motivation Skills” written by MTD Training.

