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How to become a sensational leader

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The word sensational means both using the senses as well as being fantastic. Sensational Leadership implies that you are also listening and sensing in a way that encourages others to follow. There is absolutely no force or coercion necessary when you are attracting followers sensationally. Authentically attracting followers with sensational leadership can and will make you feel more vulnerable, but is that something to fear?

Being sensational makes you vulnerable. In the Western world we often think of vulnerability as meaning weak. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Vulnerability has to do with having all your senses, resources and energy at your disposal. You are relaxed, open and ready to take on whatever threat or opportunity presents itself. In fact, for those seeking to master their discipline in the world of martial arts, vulnerability is the most sought-after state to handle both threats and opportunities.


Authentically attracting followers

Authenticity is such a refreshing quality and skill. When you are with someone who feels authentic it becomes much easier to be receptive to the message. Authentic leaders are often very captivating as there are still so few of them. Hubris, ego and pretense are so common and accepted that it is easy to forget what authenticity is.

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Many decision makers have been trained to manage and dominate rather than lead. It is much easier to manage out of fear and bravery than it is to lead by inspiration. Therefore, the more you dare to open up and show yourself as a vulnerable human being, the easier it will be to appear different, even refreshing.

Test being authentic yourself and speak your truth with the help of the following tips:

Relax. One of the easiest tips for becoming more authentic is to relax into your role as a leader. Many leaders think that they have to appear stiff in their body language and formal in mannerisms to “command” respect. People are recognizing that this is often just pretentious bravado to hide weakness and to create a dominant role that no one dares question. Again, what if younger people are no longer willing to subscribe to this unwritten law of blindly following inauthentic authority?

The best way to avoid being labelled stiff or inauthentic is not to be stiff or inauthentic. Simple as it sounds, if you have been conditioned to behave this way for most of your life it can be quite a challenge to change. It is not complicated and, if you have the will, it is no harder than quitting smoking or losing weight. It just takes discipline and persistence.

Be transparent. With the atmosphere of permissiveness in which most people aged 30 and younger were raised, they often do not have the stops that many older people have when it comes to their ability to ask direct questions. They have less of a problem calling “a spade a spade” if they sense it. Although your lack of authenticity may not be revealed to your face, it may be infectiously spread on one of the social media platforms. Regardless, rest assured it will be in a place where those affected will be able to find it. What is the takeaway here? The more transparent and the more authentic you are, the easier and more relaxing leading others becomes.

We hope this article has given you some insight about how conscious body language can be used to enhance your leadership skills. Please feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues. If you would like to read more about how to develop leadership skills, please download “Conscious body language” by Kurt Larsson.

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