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6 rules that make an international team successful

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IT Management
This article is based on the free eBook "IT Management"

In today’s business world, more and more teams are international in nature. Understanding the different outlooks of different countries is an increasingly vital skill for managers. In this article you can find 6 guidelines for working across international and cultural boundaries from the perspective of an IT Manager. Let’s take a look!

Be easy to understand

For those of you who are native or fluent English speakers, you are fortunate that this is international language of business. But just because it is second nature for you, be patient with those who are not natural English speakers. It is important that you speak clearly which generally also means slowly. Use short sentences and simple grammatical structures, avoiding long words and slang expressions.

Write down important instructions

One technique that worked well for the CIO of  large technology company was to write detailed emails to with instructions and guidance for key activities at critical times. Email allows words to be fined tuned, making the meaning clear and unambiguous. Colleagues can also refer back to it.

Really take time to listen

I mean really listen. It may mean long pauses in the conversation while colleagues are trying to find the right words to express themselves. You should never attempt to finish someone’s sentences. Pay attention to make sure you are not interrupting.

Recognize that your way isn’t necessarily right

…and certainly isn’t the only way. Different countries approach problems in different ways. Just because something worked for you in your country, doesn’t mean it will work in another. Never underestimate the resourcefulness, intelligence and expertise of the people you are working with. Seek to find the ‘middle way,’ in other words, take time to think of ideas that capture the best of everything from both sides – methods, experience and cultures. Indonesian has an expression ‘gatong rayong’ which literally means ‘carrying together’ and reflects the importance of colleagues working together on plans that all have signed up to

Be sensitive to culture and social context

One of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of working in an international environment is the opportunity to learn about other cultures. Be sensitive to the fact that different cultures value different things. For example, so called ‘high context’ cultures such as China, Korea and so on place a very high value on experience and seniority. Showing respect is essential in these environments. Always seek to learn about the way things are done and the culture. Be sensitive to everything and everyone around you and adjust your behaviour accordingly.

Not all good news is good news

Be aware that you may appear threatening to other cultures for any number of reasons. Show humility and encourage your colleagues to come forward with problems without fear of criticism or reprimand. Many cultures do not like to give bad news and can, shall we say, distort the real truth. A soft approach, demonstrating trustworthiness is essential.

There is a lot more to learn when it comes to what kind of skills a manager needs to be successful. If you want to delve deeper into this topic, take a look at “IT Management” written by David McKean.

Download the free eBook “IT Management” right here