Catégories Corporatif
Paul Newton
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 129
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Paul Newton has worked in IT and Project management for over 30 years and has also developed several internet based enterprises. He was a co-founder and director of ITT Ltd where he was responsible for the development and marketing of software-based management training tools. Clients included Microsoft, IBM, Pfizer, Sun Microsystems, UK National Health, Ministry of Defence, Barclays and many other internationally known organisations.

Prior to that, he worked as an IT consultant specialising in developing IBM mainframe software for many of the company's clients including: Rockwell, Severn Trent Water, SWEB, SWALEC, and Eagle Star Insurance.

He also owns, a leading provider of practice aptitude tests. This website helps over a million people per year to pass job selection tests including: numerical, verbal, abstract, spatial and mechanical reasoning tests. It has 16 free practice tests available to download - visit

You can contact him at, or via his personal blog

Découvrir tous les livres de Paul Newton
How to successfully Delegate
How to Chair a Meeting
What is Effective Goal Setting?
What is Cash Flow Analysis?
What are Appraisal Meetings?
Management Assessment
Audiobook: What is Effective Goal Setting?
Managing Project Scope
Preparing for Aptitude Tests
Preparing for Interview Exercises
Project Management Processes
Understanding Financial Performance
Reading a Balance Sheet
How to Measure Emotional Intelligence
Effective Conference Calls
What is the Ansoff Matrix?
Team Building
Audiobook: How to Effectively Communicate
Leadership Models
Preparing for Personality Tests
How to Overcome Procrastination
How to Negotiate Your Workload
Cómo evitar la procrastinación
Cómo delegar de forma eficaz
How to manage Interruptions
Understanding why Teams Underperform
How to Develop Emotional Intelligence
How to Effectively Communicate
What is Performance Management?
Team Development
How to Deliver a Presentation
How to Prepare a Presentation
What are Income Statements?
Leadership Theories
Managing a Project Team
Managing Project Quality
Managing the Project Budget
Successful Coaching Skills and Models
Audiobook: How to Overcome Procrastination
Understanding Accounting Principles
The Best Principles of Coaching
Setting an Agenda
Taking Meeting Minutes
What is Active Listening?
What is Emotional Intelligence?
What is the Boston Matrix?
How to Develop Competencies
How to Evaluate Performance
What is the PESTLE Analysis?
Managing Project Risk
Managing the Project Schedule
Audiobook: Project Management Processes
Interview Questions
Cómo preparar una presentación
Gestión de proyectos comunicacionales eficaces
Teorías de liderazgo
Cómo negociar la cantidad de trabajo
Comment présider une réunion
Les modèles à suivre en coaching pour réussir
La gestion de qualité de projet
Comment mesurer l’intelligence émotionnelle
Comment développer les compétences
Evaluaciones de gestión
Cómo administrar el equipo del proyecto
Conferencias telefónicas efectivas
Cómo elaborar el orden del día
Cómo desarrollar las competencias
Cómo controlar las interrupciones
Cómo medir la inteligencia emocional
Cómo realizar una presentación
Ejercicios de entrevista de gestión
Modelos y habilidades eficaces de coaching
Cómo evaluar el desempeño
Cómo dirigir una reunión
Formación de equipos
Preguntas de entrevista
Administración del programa de proyecto
Desarrollo de equipos
Administración del presupuesto del proyecto
Cómo comunicarse de manera eficaz
Cómo desarrollar la inteligencia emocional
Cómo redactar un acta de reunión
Donner une présentation
Développer l’esprit d’équipe
Comment déléguer avec succès
Préparation aux exercices d’entretien
Gérer la qualité des projets
Comment développer l’intelligence émotionnelle
Comment gérer les interruptions
Comment négocier votre charge de travail
Les évaluations de management
Le développement d'équipe
Élaborer un ordre du jour
Comment communiquer efficacement
Comment préparer une présentation
Les comptes rendus de réunion
Comment évaluer la performance
Qu’est-ce que l’écoute active ?
Conférences téléphoniques efficaces
Jak Překonat Prokrastinaci
Hvordan måle emosjonell intelligens
Bli flink til å delegere
Hvordan utvikle emosjonell intelligens
Hvordan forhandler du egen arbeidsbelastning
Administrere et prosjektteam
Co je to aktivní naslouchání
Как преодолеть прокрастинацию
Hvordan kommunisere effektivt
Evaluering av ansattes utvikling og resultater
Lær å takle avbrytelser
Hvordan forberede en presentasjon
Effektiv administrasjon av prosjektkommunikasjon
Før gode møtereferat
Hvordan lede et møte
Administrere prosjektbudsjettet
Hvordan fremføre en presentasjon
Forberedelser til intervju-øvelsene
Få bukt med prokrastineringen
Effektive konferansesamtaler
Ferdigheter og modeller for suksessfull coaching
Betydningen av en god møteagenda
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