Weird Job Interview Questions And Answers – Part 4

1) How many cows are in Canada?
This type of brainteaser question was asked by Google as an interview question for a local data quality evaluator position. There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong answer to this question. The hiring manager wants to know if you are able to apply logical reasoning to go about finding the answer to the question. They are looking for how you go about solving it and how your thought process works. Think about what significance the question might have to the role you are applying for. Then consider all the factors that might influence the answer and give a step-by-step account of what you would need to figure out in order to solve the problem.
- If you get asked a question like this one that you realistically could not work out with the amount of time and information given, don’t worry about trying to figure out the answer, rather explain the thought process and actions you would take in order to figure it out.
- In some companies, “Google it,” is an acceptable answer.
- Always try to relate your answer to the skills and competencies needed for the job.
- Even if you’re stumped on a question like this one, the last thing you want to say is “I don’t know.”
Example: “I don’t know how many cows are in Canada, but thank God we now have Google, which will provide me with numerous sources to find out this answer if I type it in.”
2) How would you fit a giraffe into a refrigerator?
Off the wall interview questions are becoming more and more common among top employers. With competition fierce, and with so many resources on the internet for candidates to prepare for common interview questions, employers want to ask strange interview questions that don’t necessarily have a right or wrong answer in order to get a real feel for the candidate’s personality that they don’t get from rehearsed answers. They want to know if the job candidate will panic, get angry, give up and have no response, or answer in a clever and playful way. This question, for example, was asked by UBS in London. This question shows the hiring manager whether or not you can think on your feet and come up with an answer to a crazy question, as well as what kind of data you would need to answer the question. By asking this question, the employer seeks to learn about the job candidate’s critical thinking and problem solving skills.
- There may not be a right or wrong answer. The hiring manager wants to know how you think and how you would go about solving the problem.
- Employers may be looking for different things when asking this question. Think about the role you are applying for and what type of skills you need in order to be successful in the job.
- If you are applying for a big picture type of position, you can answer in a more simplistic way than for an analytical one.
Example: “In order to fit a giraffe into a refrigerator, I would need a few more details about the situation. For example, is the giraffe alive or dead? If it is dead, I would be able to cut the giraffe into smaller pieces to fit into a large refrigerator. Or, is there a size restraint on the refrigerator? If not, then I would find the largest refrigerated truck, and then lure the giraffe into the truck with a large amount of food.”
3) If you could be number 1 employee but have all your coworkers dislike you, or you could be number 15 employee and have all your coworkers like you, which would you choose?
This question was asked to job candidates interviewing for ADP. The hiring manager wants to know what’s important to the job candidate—having friends in the office, or getting to the top even if everyone hates you. But the answer still isn’t black and white. Employers need employees who are team players in the office and who will help contribute to a positive work environment. If you are a team player, then it’s unlikely that all your coworkers should dislike you. On the other hand, companies want employees who are ambitious and value being successful in the workplace, rather than spending all their time talking with fellow coworkers. Your answer should be strategic and fall somewhere in the middle between the two choices.
- Even though this question is phrased as a one or the other answer, the trick is to give a reasonable explanation without actually having to choose only one or the other.
- Stress the importance of team work and the overall benefit of the company as part of success.
Example: “I would want to be the number 1 employee in the company, however I realize that in order to get there, you need the support of team members and collaboration. Therefore, I would choose to have good relationships with my coworkers, as I feel this is a critical part of success, not only for me but for the whole company.”
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