Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Introduce mindfulness into your daily life
In 2015 £23.5M was spent in the UK on self-help books. In 2014 the self-help publishing market grew by 15%, while the general interest and fiction categories grew by only 1%.
It was Aristotle who first promulgated the concept of self-healing, but the term self-help dates back to just 1859, when the Scottish reformer Samuel Smiles published his then best seller, simply called – yes, you’ve guessed it – ‘Self-Help’: and his thesis was a simple one; changing individual behaviour would be a better remedy for society’s ills than changing the law.
Mindfulness though is more than a simple self-help remedy, or fad. In fact, it has an extremely long pedigree having been around for over 2,500 years and although it is not a religion its influence can be seen in Judaism & the Kabala, Sufism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism.
Mindfulness is a global trend
But Mindfulness is no more Eastern than Electricity is Western and today it is a very hot topic. Now recognised as a global trend, its influence can also be seen in education, health and social care, and management and leadership.
It’s being called the new ‘secret weapon’ in the Boardroom, but it’s really the new ‘secret weapon’ for living.
In my book, Uncovering Mindfulness: In Search Of A Life More Meaningful, I don’t just talk about Mindful Living and Mindful Working though. I also look at the history, science and all the practical stuff und feature a range of tools, techniques and exercises which you can start to follow and do, right away.
Reduce stress: mindfulness is not about zooming out
It’s being aware of what is happening in the present moment, where there is no need to dwell on the past, denigrate the present, or fear the future.
As you pay attention to the present moment you simply focus on the breath, allowing your thoughts to come and go without judgment, and de-clutter the brain. And it works!
An inner sense of wellbeing instead of feeling stressed
It’s been described as like having your “Brightness switch turned up”, resulting in greater clarity and better concentration, an inner sense of well being, increased resilience and greater creativity, all of which can mean better decision making, improved relationships, increased efficiency and living a more fulfilled and satisfying life.
You will notice a difference
All this and more for an investment of just three-to-five minutes a day and in as little as eight weeks you can begin to notice a real difference. The research and the science are unequivocal. Using the latest brain imaging technology, in just a couple of months of daily practice noticeable changes can be detected to the neural connections and pathways which enhance mental stamina, feelings of happiness and well being, creativity and compassion.
You are not your thoughts and your thoughts are no more fundamental than sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. So, from today you could start to be the change you want to see. Mark Twain wrote, “In twenty years you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did”. Make sure that’s not the case with you and Mindfulness.
As well as checking out the book, to follow the continuing journey Uncovering Mindfulness, on Twitter go to @TheMindfulBook & @OfficialUMWPM.
And the very best of luck with your journey, let me know how you get on at paul@themuddpartnership.co.uk
Other articles from the author Paul Mudd:
Are You Being Mindful Or Mind Full And Did I Write The Book I Intended?