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Even the president loves mentoring

Posted in Articles

This is an article by Bookboon author Ella de Jong.
This is an article by Bookboon author Ella de Jong.

Even President Obama has acknowledged the importance of mentoring!

Haven’t you noticed? Recently, President Obama and many more have pointed out the importance of having a mentor. We may have been used to it back in school, but now we are discovering the importance of it in business and other fields.

At every stage of our life, in every school, job or business we find ourselves in, good guiding mentors can mean an awful lot. Mentors can change our visions and our actions on the special days we speak with them, and for many days after that.

As I’ve written in my eBook on mentoring, having a mentor means having someone who wants to “make us shine”. That someone is not that hard to find!

If you’d like to learn how to be a good mentor, you can start training, or observe the following sentence with me:

Everything you need: focus on the right ingredients for success!
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Let’s deconstruct…

Everything you give your attention to will grow.

You need to think and express what works for you, your company, your family.

Need I say this? Do NOT dig long and hard into all the negatives, they’ll grow and change!

Focus and be mindful of what and why you want something to happen. Does it make you smile?

Stay on a positive, realistic track. Head forwards and towards your goal.

Use the ingredients predicting a good outcome, the start of success, an empowered smile.

Act for your employees, your boss, your spouse, your child, your students, your clients.

Focus on success! Focus on the right ingredients and be proud of what happens next!

In my eBook “Solution Focused Mentoring”, I describe all the right ingredients that one should use to become a great mentor: bringing out the best in your Mentee and yourself. It may be simple but it’s not easy!

Download my eBook here.