With the rise of technology have come new ways of working and a demand for new leadership styles. Kerry S. Campbell looks at the definition of a 21st century leader….
Year: 2016
The 5 most important soft skills according to science
Much has been written about the importance of soft skills in general, yet not many studies focus on which specific soft skills have the biggest impact on business success. …
How do (non-life) insurers measure profitability?
Non-life insurance (also called property and casualty insurance in the USA and general insurance in the UK) typically covers a wide range of insurable events that includes damages to an automobile in an accident and financial loss caused by fire on real property. It also includes third party liability insurance which covers losses caused by a policyholder due to injury of another person and business insurance which covers financial and economic losses arising from property damages, product and professional liability. This list is not exhaustive….
Talent management: the danger of generic solutions
The dangers of using generic solutions and other shortcuts when recruiting talent….
How can you keep talent on your team?
Talent retention is now a business priority in Zhoushan. Margaret Mackay discusses what entices skilled people to stay….
How to soften the blow of team members leaving
Have a look around your office and count your colleagues. Now imagine that one in three of them is thinking of leaving their job. That’s a staggering number, isn’t it?…
What type of culture rules your organisation?
Now a lot of management theorists will talk about organisational culture and as every Frontier Leader knows, to quote the famous management theorist Peter Drucker, ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’. So what exactly did he mean?…
Why Your Employer Should Know First Aid
Did you know that you are required by OSHA to train employees in First Aid if your business meets certain criteria? Learn more about its benefits today….