Motivation for managers: How to impact motivation with workplace environment

Many factors can impact and influence even the most motivated of employees but there is one crucial component to a motivated worker and that is their workplace environment. The physical space as well as how an employee feels about that space can play a huge role in whether or not they feel motivated and productive.
Here are a few ways managers can ensure they are providing employees with a workplace environment that fosters motivation and increases productivity.
Physical environment
The status of the physical work space an employee uses can have a direct impact on performance. It is up to managers to consider everything from the amount of space available, to lighting and heating, to furniture and whether or not staff have an area that they can personalise. It is also important to consider how private an individual’s work space should be. Contact with others can be both a welcome part of work, but also an intrusion and distraction if not considered carefully.
Not every employee will be as productive as the next during the same hours of the day. Sometimes working hours must be fixed because of the nature of the work. However, where set hours are not vital, allowing some flexibility to fit in with the other needs of workers can reap dividends in terms of cooperation. Allowing employees to choose their own hours, work from home or work remotely can do a lot in terms of motivation and productivity because it shows a level of trust and respect.
This can be something of a special case. What is important is that people feel that they are being paid fairly for the work that they do. Pay can act as a substantial demotivator if employees believe they are being underpaid either in comparison to coworkers, or with reference to regional or national averages. Where pay is generally fair, complaints about levels of pay may mask other underlying dissatisfaction.
Job title
With both our personal and professional lives becoming increasingly virtual, our job titles are becoming more and more important. Our job titles are important not only in terms of having a LinkedIn profile that fairly represents what our role entails, but also for networking opportunities and motivation. When an employee has a job title that is commensurate with the work and responsibilities that they are undertaking, they will feel an increased sense of value and be motivated either to work hard to do the role justice or strive to achieve a job title they desire.
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Of course, job security is dependent on a number of factors which managers are unable to control, such as performance. However, if managers can offer some sense of security through contracts, reviews and general communication, employees’ motivation will be far higher than if workers feel that their job is permanently, or frequently, under threat.
Poor communication can be a widespread cause of dissatisfaction and lack of motivation. Ensuring that communication surrounding expectations, company goals, and achievements does wonders for motivation because ensuring employees are updated with information gives them a sense of value as well as a sense of the direction in which the business is headed. Employees will be motivated when achievements, both individual and company-wide, are celebrated through communication as well as when they are privy to the struggles or areas for development within the company as they will be more likely to strive to improve these areas.
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