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Category: News

Reading is still the best way to learn

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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that reading a book is one of the best ways to learn. However, digital innovations have brought with them new ways to absorb information and share knowledge, such as webinars, live courses and videos. So, is reading still the key way to learn new information, or could content such as video take over?  …

Four ways the soft skills gap is affecting your business

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The growing importance of soft skills in the workplace has been well documented. As recent generations have devoted more and more time and energy to the development of digital skills, we’ve seen a visible decline in the standard of soft skills across the country….

Your learning strategy holds the key to improving your customer satisfaction

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Whether during the sales process or afterwards, customers are happy and will feel positive towards your brand when they feel like they’ve been listened to, they understand the product, the services and related processes and any issues are dealt with quickly and effectively….

Do I really need a First Aid Kit and certificate?

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Would you pack your luggage and go on a road trip without taking along a first aid kit?…

How to bridge the generation gap in the workplace

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Much has been written about millennials in the workplace and the generation gap that exists in organisations between those that have grown up with digital technologies and those that haven’t….

“I hate my job”: How badly do you need a career change?

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So, you hate your job. Going to work every day has become something you dread. You find yourself daydreaming about dramatically slamming your resignation on your boss’s table or secretly planning your escape. Maybe it is time for a career change. …

Making the change management process work

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They say that the only constant is change, and in change the only constant is resistance! Resistance to change is perfectly natural, which is why change needs to be managed….

Soft skills key to innovation

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In a recent study West Monroe polled more than 600 HR and recruiting professionals about the importance of soft skills for hiring technology employees and 650 business professionals on how they work with their technology teams.  

The results highlight how soft skills are still often not being nurtured sufficiently amongst IT professionals, leading to suboptimal business performance. …