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Category: News

Resume sample – Tips for the perfect resume No.2

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340 people shared our last student’s resume example. Due to this high interest, we assumed that it would be time for another fully exemplary resume – this time of an operations team member. Take a look!…

4 basic facts about stress

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Do you want to learn how to better cope with stress? We gathered some basic facts and tips about stress on our blog! Improve your stress defence system!…

How to get better results when searching Google

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Most of us use Google Search every day. But do you know how to filter your results effectively, how to get most out of your web search? We gathered all you have to know about! Happy web searching! …

Two essential tools you need for project management success

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The success of a project is linked to two simple tools: Brainstorming and the Fishbone Diagram. On our blog you can learn more about these must-have project management tools….

3 free sales eBooks and 9 ways to close the sale

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closing the sale

You want to close the next sale? There are 9 sales techniques waiting to be read on our blog. The next sale is yours!…

Job hunting channels, job market & Co.

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Is your goal to get a new job as quickly as possible? Then you must understand what the job market looks like. We can help you with this….

Free textbooks – Our recent newcomers

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Listen up! New textbooks have just arrived online – from engineering and economics to maths and climate change! Take a look!…

Logical Thinking: How to use your brain to your advantage

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Logical thinking! You might have heard that phrase a couple of times before, but do you really know what it implies? Take a look!…