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9 must-read eBooks on leadership

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As Vince Lombardi once said “Great leaders are made, they are not born”.  Continuous personal development is a must for any good leader. Here’s a list of 9 must-read eBooks – in no particular order – that will turn good leaders into great ones. …

Leadership: A definition of 21st century leaders

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Leadership definition

With the rise of technology have come new ways of working and a demand for new leadership styles. Kerry S. Campbell looks at the definition of a 21st century leader….

How do (non-life) insurers measure profitability?

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Non-life insurance (also called property and casualty insurance in the USA and general insurance in the UK) typically covers a wide range of insurable events that includes damages to an automobile in an accident and financial loss caused by fire on real property. It also includes third party liability insurance which covers losses caused by a policyholder due to injury of another person and business insurance which covers financial and economic losses arising from property damages, product and professional liability. This list is not exhaustive….

Talent management: the danger of generic solutions

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The dangers of using generic solutions and other shortcuts when recruiting talent….

How can you keep talent on your team?

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Talent retention is now a business priority in Zhoushan. Margaret Mackay discusses what entices skilled people to stay….

What type of culture rules your organisation?

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Now a lot of management theorists will talk about organisational culture and as every Frontier Leader knows, to quote the famous management theorist Peter Drucker, ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’. So what exactly did he mean?…

Why do people experience stress?

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Managing stress

Stress is a natural, physical response to our perceptions of a stimulus. It has an evolutionary purpose: our need to protect ourselves and the innate ‘flight or fight’ aspect of our nervous system. When we were battling for survival, stress is what released the adrenaline that let us fight. So although most of us don’t have to battle our way into the office each morning, the response to stimuli and the stress that results still exist….

How does anxiety develop and how do we re-enforce it?

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Anxiety at work

The causes of anxiety are often complex and difficult to determine. It does seem that some of us have a genetic predisposition to it but it’s also very much about our upbringing – if your mother was nervous, you may have ‘learned’ to be nervous, so it can appear to almost run in families. But your innate personality and temperament will play a large part too, modifying how you respond to your family environment and other external factors….