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Month: February 2016

Google beyond google!

Posted in New free eBooks

Newcomers, newcomers, newcomers! Everyone who is keen on books about Google and HR should not miss this chance to download some of our newcomers for free. Where? On our blog!…

Boost your self-awareness

Posted in Articles
emotional intelligence

Self-awareness is the basis of each component of emotional intelligence. It refers to people’s capacity to be aware of how they are feeling. Are you missing that capacity sometimes? On our blog you can find several suggestions which will help increase your self-awareness. …

Old school vs. new school marketing rules

Posted in Articles

This is no secret: marketing has changed with the “digital age.” On our blog you can see how and why the old paradigm of marketing has transformed into something completely new. …

How to make your employees want to reach for the stars: Part II

Posted in Articles

A great coach is someone who makes the poor performance of an employee his or her own responsibility. He recognizes that poor performers are good performers who have not yet been tapped for their potential. The first step, however, is to be able to identify the reasons for poor performance….

How to make your employees want to reach for the stars: Part I

Posted in Articles

The only way to get someone performing at peak levels is to find and understand their reasons.There are a number of common reasons for poor performance in an employee. On our blog you can test your ability to identify the reasons for poor performance and then tap into the potential of a person….

Pratical PR, Inbound Marketing and Supportive Leadership

Posted in New free eBooks

Interested in what makes a successful inbound marketing campaign? Or, would you like to refresh your PR knowledge and read about which problems that appear in our society result from a decrepit leadership culture? On our blog we have got the right books with the right answers for you….

Getting dressed for an interview: Basic tips

Posted in Articles

In a simple choice between job applicants who are similar in other respects, appearance and dress can tip the decision in your favor. Take a look at our tips on how to dress for an interview, because, as we all know, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression….

The Seven Deadly Sins of Employment

Posted in New free eBooks

Three new eBooks have just arrived online. Of course, we don’t want to keep them to ourselves, but prefer to share them with you guys.Seize the opportunity to improve your knowledge of Quality Management, HR and learn how to develop an Internet Marketing Strategy. Where? On our blog!…