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Why you should start a business blog

Posted in Articles

This article is based on the free eBook
This article is based on the free eBook “Business Blogs”

Whether you are a small or big business, a company or a corporate, an individual proprietor or even a shop owner, it does not matter because blogs are a phenomenon that you just cannot ignore, postpone, or delegate. Given the changes that are barrelling down upon us, blogs are not a business elective anymore. They have become a pre-requisite. So let’s take a look at business blogs and what this social media instrument has in store for your business.

Benefits of business blogs

A blog can add many dimensions to a business, thereby adding more value to it and increasing its worth, in terms of brand value, customer relations, targeting the right people/audience, managing the online reputation of the business, sharing content/information and also in community building/development and much more. They are as follows:


With an ever-growing population that is relying more and more on online research before taking their decision to buy a product or service, a business blog can be used not only to create brand awareness but also to position the company as the business leader and a ‘must consider’ resource thus generating more business for the company. A blog helps to confirm credibility, deliver the message clearly and also motivates the prospective buyer to connect emotionally with the brand.

Targeted audience

People visiting a business blog don’t just land up there out of the blue. They come there through the search engines or through some referral link, which means that they are interested in finding information about the products that the business is dealing with. The possibility of converting such prospects into taking action is tremendous and a good blog can do wonders. Having a call-to-action option on the blog leads the visitor further into the sales process. It could simply be subscribing to your newsletter, if you have one, or guiding them to your website for more information.

Differentiating your business from competition

Without being very blunt about it, you can use a blog to show how your business stands apart from the competition and is beneficial for the customer. Statements on a public forum will more likely convey your conviction and belief in your own products. Making your blog resource and information rich also makes it something like a content centre and people will not find the need to go elsewhere. This keeps you and your business visible.

Building relationships

Acquiring new customers costs much more than retaining existing ones. Your blog readers are likely to be your best customers or quality leads. A blog allows you to interact directly with them and get to know them and gives tremendous insight into their minds, their needs and their challenges. Blogs also help in improving customer satisfaction because the customers feel that the business is listening to them and develop an emotional connection with the business, which is integral to enhancing customer trust and loyalty.

Public relations / reputation management

A business blog can be used for crisis management in the event of a bad press or negative story going around. It becomes an outlet to let the public know your side of the story and also that you care.

Getting linked

Other websites, forums and blogs around the world will automatically link to a blog that is authoritative and has educative posts on its chosen subject or topic. These links add value to the blog and gets more quality, targeted readers to it. Most readers, when they find something really good, also share interesting content with their friends and colleagues, either directly through email or through other social media.

Enhanced approachability

Businesses do have their contact details available at many places and even though everyone knows that a mail sent to, let’s say, “” will ultimately be read by a person, they are not entirely sure whether it will be acted upon. However, people feel more confident about getting a response if they leave a comment on the blog post or send a mail to the blogger. This just goes on to show how blogs present a humane, approachable face to the customers.


Although people frown at reckless promotion on a blog, no one minds a little self-promotion every now and then. So there’s absolutely no harm in using the business blog to announce product launches, events and newsworthy items with respect to the business.

Up to speed

If there is a new development in your field of expertise and you respond to it with a post on your blog, people will know that you are up to speed and in touch with the latest technologies and developments. This will fetch incredible points for your business.

More helpful tips for starting or improving your blog you can find in the free eBook “Business Blogs”.

Download “Business Blogs” right here