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Self-development: How to achieve big goals

Posted in Articles

Maximising your Potential
This article is based on the free eBook "Maximising your Potential"

The biggest threat to self-developers is lacking the energy to reach their goals. This can happen in three main ways: through physical tiredness; mental exhaustion; or emotional and spiritual fatigue. But what can we do to restore these three energy drains and reach for the stars? This article has some suggestions for you in store. Take a look!
Physical energy

A programme of regular exercise and aerobic fitness creates the physical energy necessary to see us through to our goals. Aerobic exercise is any exercise which is done “with air”. It includes walking, skiing, running, jogging, rowing, and physical lovemaking. The benefit of aerobic exercise is that it sends messages to the brain that we need more blood. The body responds by increasing the amount of blood in circulation, ups the level of red blood cells, haemoglobin and plasma and creates masses of additional blood capillaries. The result is more energy and vitality to do what we want.
Mental chains

To be mentally fit, we need to be free of some of the chains that shackle us to erroneous and unhelpful beliefs. These include the “not…enough” beliefs such as, “I’m not clever enough” or “I’m not pretty enough” or “I’m not brave enough”. Other mentally limiting chains include believing what others tell us we can and can’t do, accepting that things won’t change, and believing that change requires impossibly difficult demands on us. When you free yourself of the mental chains that come from others, you break out of the mental limitations that stunt your growth.


When you set yourself up to achieve big goals, it is inevitable that you will meet setbacks at some point through rejections, early failures and frustration at what appears to be a hopeless task. But it is how you deal with setbacks that determines how long it will be before you are back on course. Don’t be discouraged. Learn something from every setback. Find some smaller successes instead. Recognise that adversity builds mental muscles.


Worry arises when we start to let doubts creep in about what could happen to us if things go wrong and is a close friend of fear. To free yourself of mental worries, turn worry inside out by thinking about the best that could happen not the worst. Take things one step at a time by living in day-tight compartments. And, whenever you have fears, remember that FEAR is a mnemonic for False Evidence Appearing Real.
The energy from others

Self-developers achieve most when they work with others, rather than against them or in isolation from them. Knute Rockner, an American baseball coach, never played anyone who didn’t like all his teammates.

  • Self-developers listen more than they talk.
  • Self-developers develop the likeability personality.
  • Self-developers don’t see people as superior or inferior to them; just as people.
  • Self-developers take advice from others.
  • Self -developers welcome criticism non-defensively.
  • Self-developers don’t use comparisons with others to put themselves or others down.

President Lyndon Johnson of the United States had a remarkable affinity for getting to know and like people and for getting them to know and like him in return.

This is Johnson’s 10-point plan for getting along with others:

1. learn to remember people’s names

2. be an “old-shoe person” – someone who is easy to get along with

3. acquire an easy-going nature, so things don’t ruffle you

4. guard against the impression that you know it all

5. cultivate the quality of being interesting

6. study to get the “scratchy” features out of your personality

7. drain off your grievances; heal your misunderstandings

8. practice liking people until you genuinely do

9. never miss a chance to praise people

10. give spiritual strength to people and they’ll give genuine affection back.

The energy you need to reach your goals is a mix of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy. Physical energy is ours for the taking if we learn to stay fit and look after our bodies. Mental energy is available if we learn how to turn negative into positive thinking. Emotional and spiritual energy is available if we connect with others in ways in which we can get along.

Learn more about how to discover the best in yourself by reading “Maximising Your Potential – Be all you can be!” written by Eric Garner.