As you know, we publish free and openly available textbooks. But do you know why and how we do this? On our blog you can read more about our concept, mission and ambition! …
Category: Articles
What employers are looking for when recruiting
When applying for a job, try to put yourself in the position of the employers you want to work for. This can help you get the job you want! You can find some tips on how to do this on our blog!…
Become a master at online communication
Is your main communication channel online? Do you want to get your message across clearly and effectively to your readers, team members or customers? Then read our recent blog post and find out how!…
6 Tools for Advanced Communication
The key to being a successful business person is to master the art of communication. On our blog you can find a series of methods of what advanced communication is all about!…
Project Management: basics and characteristics
Do you want to bring your project to a successful end? Then read up on the basic tools, the history and the nature of project management. Good luck with your project!…
Time to fully enjoy your day job again
Be honest: are you enjoying your work? If not, you are one of many. Isn’t it time to start enjoying your work again? On our blog you can find useful tips on how to achieve this! Get started now!…
The ABCDEFG of presentation skills
Whether you are giving a presentation at your university, selling an idea to your boss, or making a farewell speech to a retiring colleague, you need certain presentation skills. On our blog you can find useful presentation tools. These tips will help you make an impression!…
How organizations can sustain excellent performance
To be an excellent one, the performance of an organization should be resilient, long-lasting, and should by definition stand the test of time. On our blog we show you how world class excellence in business can be admitted, maintained and sustained. …