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Some of our best personal development books

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We have a bunch of personal development books that have helped a lot of our readers already. We are curious to know what you think about them….

The virtues of brainstorming

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Brainstorming allow groups to generate many possible solutions to problems. Through the processes of generating and evaluating many possible solutions, an unobvious, outstanding, and one-in-a-million solution might be discovered. There is more to discover about brainstorming than you might think. …

What is World Class Excellence and who has already reached it?

Posted in Articles

To achieve long lasting business success calls for one thing and one thing alone, and that is the world class excellence. Only the very few leading edge organisations around the world truly deserve this title. Which organizations we are talking about and what does it take to achieve this title? Read more about this topic here……

A salesperson’s basic hardware

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Being a good salesperson doesn’t take a day. Certain sales skills have to be studied and acquired over time. Do you want to take a look at the general skills that anyone who wants to be a better salesperson should have?…

What do you need to control your career?

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Each one of us has the ability to control the path that our careers take. It requires that we become truly self-aware so that we can identify what our own interests and passions, our strengths and weaknesses, our communication skills, and our job-search skills are. Have you got what it takes to actively manage your career?…

Download input on Microsoft Access

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Explore Microsoft Access with our four new Access eBooks. They provide you with useful tips on how to create a database and on how to best complete database tasks. Read up on tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, printing, ……..

Active listening for business success

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Listening is one of the key business communication skills. It has the power to make or break your success in leadership, or customer relationships. Therefore, improving your listening skills means enhancing your business success. Here you can make a start!…

Throw motivation myths overboard

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Understanding your people is central to running a business, and discovering what motivates and what de-motivates them is crucial. Why don`t we start with clarifying some common misconceptions about motivation? Interested? Find out more on our blog….