How to be happy at work: 5 tips for managers
We spend most of our life at work so it’s important that it is a happy and fulfilling place. A happy environment is one with good communication systems, positive relationships, and opportunities for training and development. It creates a healthy, happy and productive workplace which is a source of great customer and competitive strength. Here are 5 ways that managers can improve overall happiness in the workplace.
Seek continuous improvement
Even if there is a lot of routine in your job challenge yourself by seeing how various tasks and methods could be improved. There are always different ways of doing something – some more efficient than others. Continuous improvement should be your aim.
Be fair and kind
Treat your co-workers with courtesy, consideration, trust, and respect. They are likely to do likewise so that everybody benefits especially customers.
Lend a hand
Help others at work if they need your assistance. Become known as someone who is unselfish and willing to help and cooperate if called on to do so. Self-aggrandisement is not the aim of the game.
Take a break
Take a career break if you find you are going stale on the job. This will invigorate your attitude when you return to the job. Downshift if you are spending too much time at work. This will give you more time to spend with family and friends and pursue recreational interests that you are keen on and really enjoy.
Encourage positive behaviour
Reward and give workers the option of engaging in positive activities designed to enhance well-being such as expressing gratitude to co-workers or performing acts of kindness for customers. This will attract few costs while improving company culture and boosting revenue.