8 tips on how to set and accomplish goals

How do I set my goals properly and accomplish them in the end? To start with, you should break your vision into bite-sized pieces by setting smaller goals along the way and diligently work towards achieving the bigger picture. Goals should always be SMART.
Specific – Objectives should address the five W’s…who, what, where, when, why. Use action words such as create, design, establish, implement, produce, etc.
Measurable – Goals should be quantifiably defined in such a way as to gauge progress, giving a clear indication of when the goal has been successfully met.
Achievable – Challenging and rewarding yet still within reach.
Relevant – Goals should be instrumental to your personal mission and align with your core values.
Time-based – Identify a definitive target date for completion.
Following the outline for SMART goals above will greatly increase your likelihood for success.
Additionally, before you set a goal, there are some key steps and considerations you should consider.
- Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want, not just something that sounds good.
- Does your goal contradict any of your other goals?
- Write your goal in the positive instead of the negative. For example the goal should not be “Stop being fat” but instead “Lost 20 pounds in 90 days”
Daily habits
Another simple way to accomplish your goals involves creating new habits. Habits are defined as a regular tendency or practice and often occur with little or no thought. For example, when you wake up in the morning you may take a shower, brush your teeth, dress and eat breakfast.
If you are working on goals that require new habits, use a chart. Perhaps you want to include flossing as a regular part of your morning routine. List ‘FLOSS’ at the top of the chart and track your progress throughout the week.
Print weekly and display someplace you are certain to see the chart, like a bathroom. The constant visual reminder will help you stay focused on developing your new habits. When items on your list become routine, change your chart to include new habits you want to develop.
1. Choose habits you want to do. There is no place for “should” or “could” in your daily habits. Instead, select habits that you look forward to and give you pleasure.
2. Choose habits that give you energy. Most of the daily habits that actually work for people are the ones that add to the person’s well-being or energy flow. It might mean that you do something like having 5 or more vegetables each day, or that you stop something such as watching television. A ratio of 2:1 of doing and stopping works well.
3. Modify your habits as needed. If you find yourself not doing one or two of your habits, change or replace them with ones that come naturally.
4. Use visual help.
Public commitments
Another method used successfully in goal setting involves making a public commitment. Research conducted by professor Gail Matthews found that written goals shared with a friend increased the chance of successfully achieving a goal by 33% over those who simply made a commitment to themselves. An accountability partner can help you reach goals while providing an opportunity to be far more successful than you might have been individually.
Positive mental attitude/Letting go of fear
To accomplish a goal, you must let go of fear. Start by staying positive about your goals. Focus on the benefits and achievements your goals will bring. When you start to feel anxious, remember… this is normal. Most fears are related to change. The resulting change your goals bring will have a positive impact on your life.
Avoid “dream stealers”, individuals seeing the positive changes in your life yet insist “it is never going to work.”
If you are still struggling to maintain a positive attitude try these steps:
- Live for yourself.
- Understand that even if you can’t control outside circumstances, you can control your reaction to them.
- Leave your work at the office, at least mentally.
- Slow down.
- Learn something new every day.
- Make a list of the positive aspects in your life.
- Help others
- Show gratitude.