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Tag: career

The best way to get a pay rise

Posted in Articles

Do you feel like it’s time to negotiate your salary? This article gives you useful tips on how to ask for a pay rise. …

How to make great connections on LinkedIn

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The main reason for using LinkedIn is to build up connections that will help you in your future career! Have a closer look at this article. …

Hoe verbeter je de werkrelatie met je baas?

Posted in Articles Dutch

Ben je ontevreden over de werkrelatie met je baas? Maar weet je niet wat je er aan kunt doen? In dit artikel vind je een aantal handige tips! …

Want to learn how to handle your boss?

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How does the right relationship with your boss look like? How can both parties benefit from your employment? This article answers all your questions. …

How to find jobs on LinkedIn

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Become a master at job hunting on LinkedIn. In this article you will find 5 tips on how to find jobs on LinkedIn. …

7 tips on how to become a coach

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Have you always wondered how to become a coach? author Ton de Graaf answers 7 questions on what it takes to enter the coaching market. …

STAR-methode: 19 voorbeelden van vragen tijdens het sollicitatiegesprek

Posted in Articles Dutch

Leer hoe je met behulp van de STAR-methode, vragen tijdens het sollicitatiegesprek beter kunt beantwoorden. …

5 steps to achieve work satisfaction and do what you love

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Are you happy in your current work situation? In this article we gathered tips on how to make the best out of your work. Become happier at work!…