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Goal Keeping: The Right Mindset for Success

Posted in Articles

Would you consider yourself a good goal keeper? Goal keeping is an art that first and foremost necessitates the right mindset. It is more about how you think about problems, how to approach difficult situations rather than about what you do. Your mindset is the key element that will help you climb up the mountain and overcome obstacles. 

In order to help you adopt the best mindset, here are a few strategies that will make your journey easier. Not only do they pave the way for you becoming a great goal keeper but they will also be helpful for other areas of your life.


Keep an open mind

When you are working towards a goal you may find that you are stuck on a problem, with the solution just out of reach.

In this case, try to relax your mind – your subconscious will work it out. In fact, we are at our most creative when we are not actively looking for a solution. For this reason, “sleeping on it“ is actually a very helpful strategy when you are not getting anywhere.


Don’t dwell on the HOW

When working on a plan, goal or project, we might get caught up in thinking too much about how to make it workdown to the last detail.

This means that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves, ultimately holding back our creative process. Let go of the need to work it all out in your head. Accept that you are doing the best you can and that the result will be the best outcome for you and any others involved.


Trust yourself to be capable

In order to successfully keep a goal, you need to stay centred and trust your own actions and abilities. Cultivate a sense of relaxed trust and belief in your direction by visualising and affirming the final outcome when needed. This will help you to stay focused, knowing that you are on the right track to achieve your goal.


Take stock of your journey

Once you have accomplished your goal or are almost there, take some time to reflect on the journey. Look how far you have come! Note down your thoughts, attitudes and the daily practices, methods and processes which worked for you.

Focus on how you tackled problems, what you did well and how you felt at the end. Don’t forget that it is a learning curve and that you will get better every time.


Celebrate your achievements

When you have successfully completed a goal, it is time to reward yourself! Take time to relax and enjoy the outcome, maybe give yourself a suitable gift. Celebrating your achievements is very important in order to create a positive outlook for your future projects. You don’t want to run the risk of conditioning your subconscious to expect that goals are only hard work with no reward.


You will find more valuable strategies to become a successful goal keeper in this eBook, including many practical exercises!

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