5 stress-management books you can’t miss

Most of us have felt some form of stress at some point in our working lives but according to a 2018 study by the Mental Health Foundation, 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. Stress is one of the most common health challenges today but it still isn’t being taken as seriously as physical health concerns. Finding the right tools to manage your stress can positively impact mental health including anxiety and depression as well as cut down on the risk of physical health problems like heart disease, problems with our immune system, insomnia, and digestive problems. It’s time to take stress seriously by checking out our top stress management books below.
Learn how to live stress-free
This easy read provides a no-nonsense, practical approach to managing stress, both at work and at home. Recommended by doctors for their patients, readers will discover practical solutions to manage stress in order to achieve a healthy work-life balance.
Full of proven tips and strategies, this book will leave you feeling confident that you can handle stress in a way that will not only deal with the effects of excessive pressure on personal performance and relationships, but also with the root cause.
Read the book from cover to cover, or dip into it when you have a stress-related problem that needs solving quickly! Its aim is to deliver instant answers to your questions.
Learn how to live stress-free is your easy-to-follow, insider’s guide to equip you with all the tools to live stress-free.
Control your stress and manage your time
This is a fresh innovative diversion from traditional ‘how-to-do it’ books dealing with stress and time. Aimed at today’s professionals, as well as students and members of the general public, overburdened by stress and anxiety and failing to master their time schedules. The book offers a novel, scientifically supported, and unique approach in helping the readers fully understand the nature of stress and anxiety and the concept of time. In its practical contribution, the book provides a variety of easy to learn and to apply techniques aimed to help the readers’ ability to successfully control their stress and effectively manage their time.
Basically, Control your stress and manage your time is an enjoyable, ‘must’ download and read (and did we mention free?)eBook.
How to reduce occupational stress
A self-help guide for managers feeling the pressure to reduce their own occupational stress and improve the mental health of the people who work for them. The stress coping methods and techniques set forth in this book and the policy examples and action plans are based on the author’s experience and is inspired by Ancient Greek culture, philosophy, and wisdom. This is because ancient Greeks saw life in a holistic sense and how to apply ancient practices in a modern enterprise.
Check out How to reduce occupational stress here.
Success over stress at work
This collection of short stories is packed full of expert advice on how to overcome stress and perform at your peak. Each story is accompanied by a commentary, full of expert guidance and tips. This book covers everything from stress management to building resilience to anger management and meditation. Check out Success over stress here!
Self-managed and coach-led stress management
There are many books on stress and coaching. The unique feature of this one is that it: (a) rests on a solid theoretical ground and (b) presents a number of scientifically developed practical tools. It can be used either as a self-management tool or as an aid for coaches. The book aims to help stressed professionals in all kinds of fields in today’s “high-velocity culture” to prevent small stress problems to escalate and show ways to reduce or eliminate existing stress-related difficulties.
Learn how to manage your stress and that of others here with Self-managed and coach-lead stress management here.