Professional eBook

Success over Stress at Work

5 Inspirational short stories with helpful tips

(18 ratings )
Language :  English
This collection of short stories is packed full of expert advice on how to overcome stress & perform at your peak.
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This collection of short stories is packed full of expert advice on how to overcome stress & perform at your peak. Each story is accompanied by a commentary, full of expert guidance & tips. I feel confident that you will find something in here that will have the power of unleashing positive changes in your work & home life.

The areas covered by the book are:

Stress Management - Learn how to overcome stressful situations & avoid breaking down.

Resilience Building - Discover expert techniques that will enable you to thrive during difficult times.

Anger Management - Avoid letting your anger compromise your relationships & career.

Mediation - Find out how to resolve conflict in the workplace.

Change Management - Learn how to derive positive outcomes from change.

Every so often there is a story highlighted by the media about stress issues affecting a famous person – actress has breakdown, international sportsman diagnosed with depression etc. The silver lining to these worrying stories is that it raises awareness of the severity of these problems and, as a result, perceptions are changing for the better.

Of course, it’s not just the rich and famous who experience stress-related issues. Stress is the number one cause of workplace absence in the UK. In 2012, stress accounted for three times as many absences as back pain (International Stress Management Association).

There is a raft of self-help books out there that can give you guidance on how to overcome stress and perform at your peak. So why should you read this one as opposed to all the others?

This collection of workplace short stories is written from experience and inspired by our clients. These stories are based on real life scenarios and interventions, in a way that protects and respects our client confidentiality. As such, it doesn’t always mean that at the conclusion of the tale everything is rosy in the garden and everyone lives happily ever after. Real-life isn’t like that. However, these stories will resonate with many of you and give you tips and techniques to help you overcome common, as well as complex, problems. It will also make for an interesting and exciting read.

Real life situations and real life interventions, written with our first-hand knowledge. Hopefully you will be helped to see that the small investment in these interventions saves long term costs, helping to enhance the bottom line considerably. I feel confident that you will find something in here that will have the power of unleashing positive changes in your work and home life.


  1. Built for Resilience
  2. Rushes of Anger
  3. To Change or not to Change?
  4. The Mediator
  5. The New Man
  6. Acknowledgements
About the Author

Hansa Pankhania