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Month: February 2016

Problem Solving Skills: Overcoming Obstacles

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The key to being successful is to identify the obstacles in your path and overcome them – but how?

How do you recognise what obstacles lie in the path of your personal success? In this article, you can learn more about obstacles and how to deal with them. …

The Strategic Decision Making Process in Meetings

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Hoe beslissingen te nemen en de beslissingen van mensen met een specifieke strategie te beïnvloeden.

Learn more about this plus some bonus tips……

Bookboon is now on YouTube!

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Bookboons nya Youtube-kanal!

Don’t miss out on our videos, your next lesson is right around the corner!…

Bookboon in South Africa: “Free is the new black”

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Bookboon plays its part in helping students in South Africa to reach their dream of affording to be a student.

Bookboon plays its part in helping students in South Africa to reach their dream of affording to be a student….

Group Dynamics: Pitfalls in Meetings and How to Avoid Them

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Lær om de vanligste fallgruvene ved gruppedynamikk og forskjellige måter du kan unngå de.

Here is how you can avoid that group dynamics ruin a supposed-to-be purposeful meeting……

What Successful People Do

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Wat is het geheim voor succes?

Would you like to be a successful businessperson, partner, coach, parent, colleague, student or friend?…

Too Many Meetings to Deal With at Work?

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Power-up your company’s meeting culture!

Power-up your company’s meeting culture! Read this article to learn about the different ways on how to make meetings better….

“That Was Great!” – How to Motivate Employees Through Recognition

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Hoe geef je op een correcte manier erkenning aan je werknemers?

Employee recognition: How to do it well? A guideline for leaders who want to improve their motivation skills……