Teresa Muller
- Land: South Africa
- Number of Titles: 50
- Kontakta författaren:
Teres is a Master NLP and Neurodivergent Coach, who works globally with professionals whose lives are in crises, stress, confusion and a need for clarity, understanding and change. She helps you understand yourself so you can cut straight to the issue, knowing that the problem is often not the real problem. Her standpoint is that if you understand how your own brain operates, that is specific to you, and reconnect to your emotional landscape, so many things start to just make sense. It is all about Confidence, Communication and Catharsis. Teresa has extensive training in Clinical Psychology, Leadership, Cognition, and NLP.
Visa alla böcker av Teresa Muller
Uncertainty and Crisis: Transition Seasons
What is Self-esteem?
Limiting Thinking Habits
3 Simple Techniques for Better EQ
Values and How to Identify Them
The Cycle of Shame
Communicating Clarity in Expectations
Existential Thinking
Locus of Control: inside or out?
Limiting Beliefs
How to Navigate Tough Conversations
How to Start Communicating with Clarity
A Leader as a Coach - It Is a Mindset
How We Lose Ourselves in Unhealthy Comparison
Self-image: how do you see yourself?
Empathy: cognitive or somatic?
Self-awareness in Relationships
Self-awareness: are seeing you for you?
Strategy of Metaphors and Storytelling
Emotional Intelligence in Teamwork
Inhibitors of Communication
Systematic Thinking for Greater Understanding
Communication Model
Self-Regulation and Self-Control
Impact of EQ on Teams
Power Dispositions in Leadership
Making Sense of your Thoughts and Experiences
The Drama Triangle
Remote Environment Setup for your Emotional Health
4 Levels of Communication
The Why of Boundaries
Confidence Is Not How You Feel
What is Neurodiversity?
Leading Transition
Productivity Is More Than Just Output
Perceptual Positions
Meaning Making in Human Experience
Paint Bucket of Emotions - Identify What You Feel
Professional Goal Setting
How Emotions Motivate Behaviour
Preparing for Giving and Receiving Feedback
Impact of EQ in Relationships
Neuro-Logical Levels
Analyse Your Own Response to Situations
Reigning in Out-of-Control Thoughts
Strategy Simplified
Emotional Competencies for Leadership
Ladder of Inference
Curiosity and Cone of Curiosity
Stages of Personal Change
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