Catégories Fixation des prix Corporatif


Expert Talk: Pitching for Investment
Crypto Compliance
Raising Business Finance for Entrepreneurs Part I
Break-Even Analysis
Analysis and Linear Algebra for Finance: Part I
Personal Finance in Today’s Complex World
Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis
Hands-on with SAP ERP and IDES
Investissements Boursiers & Trading
The Violence of the Customer Experience Economy
Stochastic Processes for Finance
Probability for Finance
Corporate Valuation and Takeover: Exercises
Analysis and Linear Algebra for Finance: Part II
Understanding Stakeholders
Money Creation: Advanced Readings
What are Income Statements?
Equity Market: An Introduction
Strategic Financial Management
Strategic Financial Management: Part I
Working Capital and Debtor Management: Exercises
Central Banking & Monetary Policy: An Introduction
Interest Rates in Financial Analysis and Valuation
Working Capital and Strategic Debtor Management
Company Valuation and Share Price
Costs in Economics
Les marchés financiers
Money and Monetary Policy in an Open Economy
Financial Markets and the Global Economy
Business & Industry
Interest Rates: An Introduction
Hands-on with SAP S/4HANA and GBI
Company Valuation and Takeover
Trading and Investment in the Stock Market
Strategic Debtor Management and Terms of Sale
Finance for the Non Financial Manager II
The Basics of Business Management – Vol I
Portfolio Theory & Financial Analyses
The Capital Asset Pricing Model
Money Creation: An Introduction
Banking: An Introduction
Working Capital Management
Les stratégies relationnelles dans l’assurance
Fisheries and aquaculture economics
Corporate Numeracy
Financial Markets
The Basics of Business Management – Vol II
The World of Modigliani and Miller
Learn Calculus 2 on Your Mobile Device
Portfolio Theory & Financial Analyses: Exercises
Introduction to Investment and Finance
Finance for the Non-Financial Manager I
Bond Market: An Introduction
Financial Econometrics
Budgeting: Planning for Success
Investments: An Introduction
Principles of Insurance
Financial Institutions: An Introduction
Understanding Accountancy Documents
Fundamentals of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
Raising Business Finance for Entrepreneurs Part II
Finance for non-financial managers
Corporate Valuation and Takeover
Expert Talk: Winning Pitches for Investors
Construction Financial Management: Solutions
International Financial Reporting
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance and International Business
Understanding Financial Performance
Financial System: An Introduction
Derivative Markets: An Introduction
Strategic Financial Management: Exercises
Regulatory Framework of Financial Institutions
Partial Differential Equations
Strategic Financial Management: Part II
Money Market: An Introduction
Foreign Exchange Market: An Introduction
Business Cycles and Financial Crises
Managing Budgets
Construction Financial Management
Introduction to Complex Numbers